Some work places, the coworkers are pretty good about not ratting each other to management. But at others, management doesn’t keep an iron grip on you, but coworkers do, due to like petty grievances.

By a similar notion, i’ve often had trouble hanging out with coworkers while i’m at the same workplace as them, i have an easier time after they’re ex-coworkers, since i don’t have any back of my mind thoughts wondering if i mess up in conversation when we’re out drinking, that they’ll invent some bs to tell management. Any advice on this?

And it sounds like cops (mostly) never rat on each other, no matter how much they should.

  • @[email protected]OP
    32 years ago

    thank you! Seeing the general leftist sentiment of “my coworkers are bae” makes the whole situation feel worse since it feels like i’m literally the only one

    • @[email protected]
      32 years ago

      You might be the only one where you work, but keeping your relationships at the office at a strictly professional level is by no means rare. Work has a nasty habit of creeping into your personal life, which is why lots of people choose to keep their work and home life separate, myself included. You’re already giving your company a lot of your time and energy, you are under no obligation to give them more than that if you don’t want to.