At this point in my life, I don’t avoid spicy foods because I can’t handle the taste of the spice, but more because of what that spice will feel like coming out the other end the next day.

Some cultures, like India for instance, are known to use very spicy ingredients in their daily cooking.

Are they all just used to having firey asses or have they developed some gut biome capable of neutralizing the capcasin before its inevitable exit?

  • BCsven
    1 year ago

    I like really spicey curries, I probably make them 3-4 times a week. (Indian or Thai) . I don’t get flaming red eye ever. Even with 5 thai Chillies in a curry. I assume either your body adjusts, or the rare hot meal somebody eats burns them not from the spice but from the bad bile or acid that might be lost through the bad poop.