Just a little reminder.
Pisses me off to no end that they use the Canadian identity for marketing when they sold out decades ago.
Also their coffee and food has been shit for a long time too, coincidence? I think not.
Just a little reminder.
Pisses me off to no end that they use the Canadian identity for marketing when they sold out decades ago.
Also their coffee and food has been shit for a long time too, coincidence? I think not.
(Engage old fart mode)
It wasn’t that long ago that Tim Hortons restaurants baked their own donuts in house. Fresh all the time. It was their draw.
Fast forward and they truck in everything frozen from a manufacturing plant. Things aren’t made there anymore - they’re thawed and assembled. And it tastes like it.
They used to be legendary for their coffee, but a few years ago they let their agreement with their coffee supplier to lapse. McDonald’s scooped it right up which suddenly put McCafe on the map. Tim’s found a new supplier but the coffee wasn’t nearly as good.
Aren’t a bunch of their franchises also under investigation for Temporary Foreign Worker program abuse?
It’s just been death by a thousand really stupid cuts.
I worked there during the frozen donut transition. A few really cool stoner night bakers got let go from my store.
And replaced with cheap, exploitable TFWs!
In Cobourg, Ontario, a Tim Hortons store got into the news because after the minimum wage was raised they cut their employees benefits.
The interesting part was that the store was owned by the son of one of the Tim Hortons founders and the daughter of the other founder, who had married. There was a bit of a backlash, to put it mildly.
I never cared for Tim Horton’s coffee, so I didn’t mind the change.
Most people don’t really drink coffee they drink coffee flavoured cream and sugar. This is why the Starbucks milk drinks are so popular. The quality of the underlying coffee is less important when you double double everything.
Yeah, I had Mink reverse press coffee. It is amazing, and adding milk or cream hides the amazing flavour. Technically they are a chocolatier.
I do drink mine black. I like cream, but I hardly need the extra calories!
That wasn’t a thing in Canada for the longest time
Old people (millennials +) would still associate that with Americans
Tim Hortons have been pooping (autoassume changed that from popping, but I’m fucking leaving it!) up here in the UK, not loads of locations, and weirdly not in some of the places you’d expect. First one was in Glasgow, I believe, but there still aren’t any in Edinburgh, or London. I work up the Forth Valley from Edinburgh, and there’s one in the town I work in, and two more within a 20-30 minute drive. So it seems to be mostly small towns and Glasgow with a Tims.
Doughnuts are the same pish quality as back home, but the (drip) coffee is surprisingly way better! Pretty sure they had to step up their game because they didn’t already dominate the “pop in for a to go cuppa” market here. They’re also one of the few places I’ve seen here in the UK where you can get a filter coffee.
I’m participating in the US product boycott from here, in solidarity with my family and nation. Just thought the difference between quality here vs home was interesting.
The term is ‘enshittification’ and it’s practically the default business strategy for extracting cash from brand value.
Buy/make a good company by offering a quality service and then spend the next decade cutting costs until the product is terrible.
Most people won’t notice the incremental changes. It’s often likened to boiling a frog.
that’s not what that means
Hot take, but the donuts being frozen is not a bad thing. I work in a grocer and people never know that our bread products are not fresh until they “catch” us putting the frozen products on the shelf. We don’t hide it, and nobody complains about the quality. In fact, they love it. If the donuts taste like shit, its because they were shit donuts, not because they were frozen. While seeing and knowing the donuts are being made fresh on site is a magical thing, you absolutely can retain 99% of the quality with frozen. Ideally, the savings would be passed on to the consumer though.
But pizza, sandwiches, and shit tasting coffee, I got nothing for that. It is meant to be a coffee shop at its core, so I don’t know why the fuck they’d ruin the coffee so much. It’s not like its hard either, you can make a machine do it for you. They’re trying too hard to be like Starbucks. I understand trying to appeal to a new generation of Canadians, but they really missed the mark. If they wanted to seriously compete with Starbucks, they are completely half-assing it.
I don’t think you’re fooling as many people as you think. Grocery store bread is absolute garbage. Like a packing peanut with a hard shell. Try real bread from a bakery sometime and get back to me.
Worked in a commercial bakery as well as a grocery store bakery. I promise you that bread can be heated from frozen and you would not know the difference. There’s a really good chance the bakery you are buying bread from contracts a commercial bread baker. Bread ovens are big and many don’t have the space for them and non-bread ovens for other stuff.
Like I said, if the bread/pastry tastes like shit it will taste just as shit fresh as it would frozen. Good bread/pastries frozen and dethawed properly lose an insignificant amount of quality.
Do an experiment. Take your fresh bread from a bakery, freeze it, thaw it out, and see how much the quality actually diminishes. I wager that it doesn’t by much in most use cases. For example, making toast? You could not tell me you can tell a difference between a slice that was frozen versus one that was never frozen.
And, ofc, some pastries are not as forgiving when being frozen as others. But regular sliced bread, absolutely.
I wasn’t saying you can’t freeze bread, just that grocery store bread is garbage. I live in a town without a bakery. I take it personally lol
Fresh donuts are an entirely different experience than previously frozen. You cannot freeze many donuts well such as ones that will be filled.
It’s a fried good, not a baked good. Bread comes out of the freezer ALMOST as good as it went in, but it’s never going to be fresh baked bread again. With fried goods, its even more pronounced. Like when you get french fries, you get a narrow window of like ten minutes before they are stale. And they’re still good, but they’re different. A freshly fried donut and a day old donut, no matter how it was made and preserved, are not the same thing.
That’s a fair assessment. Now that you mention it, we don’t actually have many frozen donuts at my location. I wonder what they do to freeze the tim horton donuts, or what could be done to make them just as good despite being frozen. Maybe thawing a “blank” and cremeing and icing it freshly? Almost makes me want to experiment at home for freezing methods.
You can argue that most donuts being frozen isn’t too bad (particularly the cake donuts), but crullers are entirely different products from frozen.