That page is bogus, it says no fighting or people shot at tianemen square, while I just sent you a video showing fighting, shots fired, a soldier saying others were firing, and a guy saying he saw 100s of dead bodies. The government having the bodies sent for funerals.
And, my coworker was there as a student. They said it was friendly at first with students feeding bored soldiers, until the orders came to shut it down at no costs. Then it turned ugly.
That page is bogus, it says no fighting or people shot at tianemen square, while I just sent you a video showing fighting, shots fired, a soldier saying others were firing, and a guy saying he saw 100s of dead bodies. The government having the bodies sent for funerals.
And, my coworker was there as a student. They said it was friendly at first with students feeding bored soldiers, until the orders came to shut it down at no costs. Then it turned ugly.