Apex Legends is a battle royale, Gigantic and Battleborn are (were) more like MOBAs, Paladins and Dirty Bomb don’t work on linux. I haven’t played all of these games, but I don’t think they’re as interchangeable as you’re implying.
Apex Legends is a battle royale, Gigantic and Battleborn are (were) more like MOBAs, Paladins and Dirty Bomb don’t work on linux. I haven’t played all of these games, but I don’t think they’re as interchangeable as you’re implying.
Looks like the back of someone’s head to me, but the picture is kind of blurry
In the United States, a straw purchaser of a firearm at a federally licensed firearm dealership who lies about the identity of the ultimate possessor of the gun can be charged with making false statements on a federal Firearms Transaction Record, which is a felony. Note that in this case, purchasing the item for another person is ipso facto illegal, regardless of that person’s status as a legal possessor.
I guess if you’re buying up a lot of guns with the intent to resell/distribute them, that would count as straw purchasing.
Aren’t we always?
Hey now, what did Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard King ever do to you?
Casting an Arcane Spell in Armor: A character who casts an arcane spell while wearing armor must usually make an arcane spell failure check. The number in the Arcane Spell Failure Chance column on Table 6–6 is the percentage chance that the spell fails and is ruined. If the spell lacks a somatic component, however, it can be cast with no chance of arcane spell failure.
It was a rule in Pathfinder, so presumably it was a rule in 3e.
I think it’s just that Discovery didn’t want to let it end. After Adam and Jamie left, they had like 2 more seasons with new hosts. I actually don’t know if the quality of the show dropped, I never really gave it a chance.
I see what you’re trying to say here, but the study gets its mileage data from the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) 2002 highway statistics, so it’s an estimate of the total number of miles driven by each category of vehicle. I think the bigger problem with using this study to say that motorcycles are worse than cars is that the “3.77x more likely to kill a child per mile” is based on 4 deaths caused by motorcycles that year. We’re dealing with numbers so small that one accident caused or prevented could swing the “probabilities” wildly in different directions.
Here’s a link to the full study if you’re interested. You’re right that it doesn’t seem to cover injuries though.
I was pretty transparent with what I was doing and never claimed to be as thorough as a proper study would be. But 20 years is a very long time, you can’t assume the numbers from back then are still accurate to today’s world.
I don’t own a motorcycle.
If you care about dead children, maybe you should care a little more about the 6,000 killed by cars, trucks and SUVs rather than the 42 killed by motorcycles. Why are you on this crusade against motorcycles in the first place? It seems weird and unnecessarily hostile. (Edit: the 6,000 and 42 are all pedestrians killed, I don’t know how many of those are children)
The Black Pool is a game I decided to try recently. It reminds me a lot of Returnal in terms of visuals and gameplay, but I don’t expect the story to evolve much beyond the initial “kids lost in the woods trying to get home.”
It’s a 4-player roguelike where you get to choose random elements to slot into different abilities, namely a Primary, Secondary, and AOE attack as well as a jump, dodge, and once-per-world ‘rally’ buff. Each element makes the ability act differently, like a light primary is a slow charging piercing laser while wind is a projectile with knockback, and you also get to upgrade your elemental abilities after each stage you clear. I’m only about an hour into it so far, but I definitely think it deserves a little more than the 29 player peak it got right after it launched.
What are you talking about? When did I ever say publishing a paper was easy? You asked for someone to provide updated studies compared to the 20 year old one you linked. It’s certainly not perfect, but now you have some more up to date numbers to look at.
I see my mistake now, those are millions of vehicle miles driven. But they’re definitely not average miles driven per vehicle like you’re assuming.
I took the total urban and rural miles traveled and matched them up to the pedestrian fatalities of the corresponding vehicle types. The vehicle miles traveled data doesn’t break the vehicles down into smaller categories like the pedestrian fatality data does.
Vehicle Type | Count | Percent |
Passenger Cars | 2,591 | 39.66% |
SUVs | 1,912 | 29.27% |
Pickups | 1,188 | 18.18% |
Large Trucks | 469 | 7.18% |
Vans | 288 | 4.41% |
Motorcycles | 42 | 0.64% |
Buses | 42 | 0.64% |
From page 25 of that pdf.
Which, if you then wanted to combine it with vehicle miles traveled from something like this, you’d get:
Vehicle Type | Vehicles distance Traveled (millions of miles) | Pedestrian Fatalities | Fatalities per billion miles driven |
Passenger Cars, SUVs, Pickups, Vans | 2,822,664 | 5,985 | 2.120 |
Buses | 18,490 | 42 | 2.2715 |
Motorcycles | 23,765 | 42 | 1.767 |
If you find a source that breaks down vehicle miles traveled by specific vehicle type let me know, otherwise this is probably the best you’re going to get.
Looks like the actual price is $3.79
I think that’s what makes it such a good point of comparison though. It’s titled differently and we were promised it would be different, but all that really happened was they changed their monetization tactics. And maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I remember liking Overwatch when it came out, but now I have almost zero interest in playing Overwatch 2, even though I’ve gone back to it a few times just to give it a try.
Honestly, paying for a (primarily) multiplayer game isn’t a problem for me. I actually might prefer it when you look at Overwatch vs Overwatch 2. But I wasn’t about to sign up for a playstation account to play my Steam game.
Do online multiplayer video games count as a commercial use? I kind of like those
No, I don’t think you’re going to do anything either way. When there was only the Raytheon protest, I doubt you called your state representatives about Palestine. Now that they’re also blocking traffic, I’m sure you’ll continue to do nothing.
I think the most effective protest would be one that directly acts against what they’re protesting against, like putting traffic cones on self driving cars or the Tyre Extinguishers deflating tires.
But that kind of protest doesn’t really apply to sending billions of dollars worth of weapons overseas unless you want to do something very illegal or violent. So whatever the people protesting think will help seems good enough to me.
I’m not sure I believe you about your first point.