The true figure is nowhere near 50%. These figures match other countries, as well. In general, only about 15-20% of the population consumes cannabis. The number is a bit higher if you include people who smoke like once a year.
The true figure is nowhere near 50%. These figures match other countries, as well. In general, only about 15-20% of the population consumes cannabis. The number is a bit higher if you include people who smoke like once a year.
Smaller class sizes and more teachers. Part of why the problem kids are a problem is because the one teacher has to stop everything to deal with them.
Also, we need to stop pretending education is one size fits all. A lot of the “problem kids” are kids that aren’t well suited to sitting down for hours at a time having lessons dictated to them by an overworked, underpaid teacher. This is often especially true for young men. Our education system hasn’t been updated in over a century, really, in terms of this one size fits all approach. We need more outdoor-based education settings for these types of students, for example, leaving the classroom learning to those who are suited for it so they aren’t being distracted by the bored kids who need to be out doing stuff all day long and learning experientially.
When the accused Kitchener-based hacker known online as “Waifu” threatened a woman on the messaging app Telegram, it was the beginning of his downfall.
‘Waifu” had been bragging about his criminal exploits in open groups on Telegram. But when he threatened Allison Nixon, the chief research officer at the U.S. cybersecurity firm Unit221B, his days were numbered.
Nixon is the co-owner of the U.S.-based cybersecurity firm named after the home address of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, and when she saw the violent threats against her, Nixon tasked one of her researchers to uncover his real identity.
After making a critical mistake in what cybersecurity types call “operational security,” a member of Nixon’s team was able to follow the digital bread crumb on the internet, the dark web and messaging apps to reveal “Waifu’s” real identity.
She did not want to talk about how Unit221B did that, saying hackers learn from the mistakes of other cybercriminals, making it more difficult to catch them in the future.
It was not easy and took several months, she said. “Waifu” is associated with a subculture of cybercriminals that includes thousands of creative hackers deploying sophisticated ways to steal data and extort money from their victims, she said.
But Unit221B and Mandiant, the cybersecurity company owned by Google, found out who he was and passed the information to law enforcement.
“We put some time into that this year, and we are basically half of the reason he got identified,” said Nixon during a telephone interview. “We have had that name for months; we have been waiting for the arrest.”
A Washington court issued an arrest warrant for Connor Riley Moucka, 25, for conspiracy, computer fraud and abuse, extortion in relation to computer fraud and aggravated identify theft.
Moucka, 25, was arrested in a Stanley Park house in suburban Kitchener on Oct. 30. He is scheduled to appear in a Kitchener court on Friday, Nov. 29. American law enforcement wants him extradited to stand trial in Washington.
Moucka is alleged to be the mastermind behind the Snowflake hack — one of the biggest data breaches in history.
Nixon first became aware of “Waifu” in 2019 when the New York Police Department called her for information. The hacker identified as a member of “The Com,” a criminal subculture online she had been tracking for years.
“‘The Com,’ which is short for ‘The Community,’ includes a geographically diverse group of individuals, primarily young actors operating mostly from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., that engage or were coerced to engage in cybercriminal activities such as subscriber identity module (SIM) swapping, cryptocurrency theft, commissioning real-life violence, swatting and corporate intrusions,” says Intel471, an American provider of cyberthreat intelligence.
Nixon said other members of “The Com” in Ontario remain active, including one from this area who uses the alias “Multiple.”
“There is also a shift happening in law enforcement, they are taking ‘The Com’ seriously at this point as a major, criminal threat because the stuff coming out of this criminal community ranges from financial fraud and high-dollar theft and ransomware to violence and extortion,” said Nixon in a telephone interview.
During the April-July period of 2024, the American cloud service provider Snowflake was hacked. The hacker accessed the accounts and data of many companies using Snowflake, including AT&T, Ticketmaster, Advance Auto Parts, Santander, LendingTree and Neiman Marcus, among many others.
About 165 customers of Snowflake were hacked. The hacker stole the call logs and texts of 100 million customers at AT&T, and the account information for 560 million users of Ticketmaster. The hacker used stolen log-in information to access the accounts.
In the more than 10 years Nixon has spent identifying cybercriminals, the man known as “Waifu” stands out for the jaw-dropping stupidity that brought the police to the quiet residential street in Kitchener where he lived in his grandfather’s house.
He made one error in what Nixon calls “operational security” and the game was up — Unit221B figured out who he was.
In response, “Waifu” started writing Telegram posts full of false and misleading information under different names. But he was also bragging about his crimes, and then he started attacking Nixon.
“All this accomplished was to draw a tonne of attention from a bunch of people he should never have attracted attention from,” said Nixon.
Moucka remains in jail at the Maplehurst Correctional Complex. His court appearance on Friday is about scheduling future court dates. It is not known when the extradition hearing will begin.
How the case unfolds from this point depends on whether Moucka has access to the internet from inside Maplehurst, said Nixon. If he can access his cryptocurrency to pay for lawyers, it could be a long legal fight to get him out of the country and into a courtroom in Washington.
“The whole situation is so ironic for this Moucka person,” said Nixon.
He repeatedly threatened her and her company on Telegram, which were not even working on the Snowflake hack at the time.
“Why would he target a company that is not working on his case and specializes in identifying cybercriminals?” said Nixon. “It is just the stupidest thing ever.”
No, the entire point here is that this will me he WON’T be able to talk shit on this. That is why he keeps avoiding it. This is Trudeau playing him into a corner.
Posts like this meme are just angry 19 year olds who hate their little sister’s music and think this makes them “political”.
Yeah, the thing about that is it extends to not just those you dislike. Using your Syria example, you as a private citizen can be murdered in the street by another private citizen with no repercussions, too.
You are an American, you don’t live in Syria. As bad as America is, it’s not Syria. Wanting it to get that bad is not smart.
The illegal market is like 15% of the total market now. You are an outlier.
Trudeau is further pushing Pierre into a corner with Pierre’s refusal to get the necessary levels of security clearance to be leader of the opposition, much less leader of the country.
Anyone who cares about Canada should be deeply troubled that someone in his position is so desperate to avoid getting that security clearance. And should ask what it is he’s avoiding being held accountable for.
No. Because Pierre will be giving info he will be legally sworn to secrecy on. The purpose of him being given this access is because it’s important info for the leader of the opposition to know, even if he is inexplicably refusing to get the correct level fo security clearance required to get it through the normal channels for people in that position.
This is the government bending over backwards to try to keep the leader of the opposition informed on issues that are important for the security of our nation, even as he is doing his very best to avoid getting that info for some reason.
The question that leads intelligent people to ask is why is he putting so much effort into avoiding being informed about these issues? What is he so scared to know, on record?
This is a typical, lazy straw man.
“The left” are first of all not some kind of monolith. Obviously. Second of all, the notion that this supposed monolith are all “shouting down men” is nonsense, too.
Now, there IS absolutely validity to small pieces of these arguments that the “left” have not offered young men the kind of guidance they need, while the right have done a great job providing them with tantalizing bogeymen. But the argument sin this post are more of the same tired perpetuation of a false Left/Right culture war argument that is generally levied by people like Rogan, Peterson, Crowder, Carlson, etc. They tell these lost young men it’s some nefarious leftist plot to take away their manhood or whatever. The left’s failure is to not have a could counter to that. But creating “their own joe rogan” is nonsense because that’s just saying “they need their own version manipulating lies”.
What the “Left” needs to do is be able to able to not blame young men for falling for that nonsense, but to recognize there it is filling a wanted gap among that demographic to have certain archetypes.
“Doesn’t seem to be qorking?”
It’s a statement of fact. Rogan’s politics are clearly far right. This isn’t even debatable unless you’ve fallen for the lie that his views somehow represent the “middle” because he at times gives token criticism of some Republicans, too.
Only because Bernie was pushed on useful idiots as a useful vote-splitter that benefitted Trump
the answer is “yes, of course.”
Canada Imports from United States was US$277.04 Billion during 2023 https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/imports/united-states
Absolutely nowhere near this. 15% is pretty standard across most countries.
You’re using an anecdotal experience in high school which is not reflective of the broader population.