This is what I don’t understand. There’s a huge market for this stuff. Anyone with half a brain and the right amount of capital could get in on the ground floor of this and make a fucking killing. The alcohol and pharmaceutical industry is already set up for most of the business. They already have politicians bought and paid for. It’s a truly bipartisan issue. Just stop fucking opposing it.
They had to time it right so the proper people could get situated to capitalize on new legislation.
Drugs and alcohol take a big hit when people can access weed legally. Weed can keep some people away from more destructive intoxicants. Those companies don’t want to give people the choice if they can avoid it.
Anyone with half a brain and money did jump in, and Alberta, one of the only provinces with private stores, has about 50% more stores than the market can bare. The big dick swingers are running a war of attrition to price small players out of cultivation/retail. I can buy an ounce of legal weed for under 60 bucks Canadian.
A new strain hit the shelves of my government ran dispensary lately. It’s $70 Canadian dollars for an ounce and it’s not on sale. It comes to less than $3 a gram and it’s not bad.
Not too relevant to the article, just wanted a chance to share.
They bought $16 billion worth of legal weed. There’s still a huge black market that likely makes more than the legal stuff. I still buy off the same guy I’ve been seeing for 25 years, and that won’t change until he stops growing. But he’s training some younger growers that can fill the void. I’m just waiting for the craft weed market to become legal so these guys can stop hiding.
The illegal market is like 15% of the total market now. You are an outlier.
And all of the profits were stolen through makeet manipulation.
Yeah, drugs/pharmaceuticals are a very big market.
Get a job, Canada!
I will, when I run out of weed and need to buy more. Until then: I’m way too high, buddy.
Growing weed?
You know that legal weed here is a domestic product right?
Was this removed?