I think this is more indicative of the historical influence of Christianity over French Canadian affairs than it is proof of modern Quebec’s perception of world religions…
I think this is more indicative of the historical influence of Christianity over French Canadian affairs than it is proof of modern Quebec’s perception of world religions…
Christianity is still by far the predominant religion in Quebec. There are more Christians in Quebec than people who identify as non-religious.
I saw that, but I’m very skeptical it will be enforced with the same frequency as hijabs. In my experience, Quebec is obsessed with promoting it’s own culture. Christianity is a big part of French Canadian culture, so I expect it will get a pass. It’s very much a “rules for thee, not for me” sort of place.
If I’m wrong and it’s enforced equally for everyone, that’s better. I still don’t think the government has any business making laws around peaceful religious expression, however.
I think this is wrong. I get that the hijab is complicated ethically, as it’s expected of Muslim women. Wether or not it’s consensual is debatable, sure.
I’ve also spoken to Muslim women who claim to be wearing it voluntarily, because it makes them feel less objectified and more comfortable in their own skin. It’s also a connection to their cultural and religious background, which is important. As a non-Muslim, I don’t really think I’m qualified to argue. I don’t think it should be the provincial government’s decision either. At the end of the day, it’s a piece of cloth… What does it really hurt?
When I lived in Quebec, I saw plenty of Christian religious symbols. Will removing those be enforced as well?
I’ve been using Qobuz for a couple of years and I love it. Great audio quality, has 90% of any music I’m looking for, and seems to be far less morally bankrupt than many alternatives.
Great pick. Pisces is the song that got me into them.
Heres one thing ive found very impactful for my own happiness - stop giving a fuck what other people think/expect.
That said, im only 33. Sounds like the worst is yet to come lol
Sure, because his threat was so successful at intimidating us the first time. What’s the definition of insanity, again?
No offense, but you really need to figure yourself our before you try dating anyone else. This post has a lot of red flags.
Ukraine is in Europe. The US isnt - they can get fucked.
Welcome new users! You’ve made an excellent choice.
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I honestly cannot believe they left the B. Not because bisexuality isnt valid. Just because it seems like exactly the kind of thing Trump’s team would say is fake news.
He probably doesnt know what it stands for.
I say fuckin DO IT. Itll suck in the short term. But will light a fire under our asses to pursue trade relationships with countries that arent run by a narcissistic, tiny peckered fuckwit and his nazi cronies.
I dont hate Americans but I hate American government. Smell ya later cunts. In the meantime :
I dont know you, but this sounds like narcissistic personality disorder.
Don’t wash your ass
Ive tried a few choices out and this is the way. Has its issues from time to time but they always get fixed quickly. Overall very solid
I think there are very few decisions he could make that would be more likely to trigger a massive political uprising. Fuck around and find out, I suppose.