Haha no, he’s not a psycho!
I’m sure he looks at me cause we do interact sometimes, but the problem is I’m obviously attracted to him, I’m pretty sure it shows and he knows cause I turn red and get nervous. I’m afraid he thinks I’m weird and maybe looks at me cause “oh here’s the weird girl who’s crushing on me” and I don’t want to be creepy
I want to know what he thinks of me. For example, last time he noticed me looking at him and held eye contact for a while, serious as usual, and slightly nodded at me.
Was he bothered by me looking at him? Was it neutral/confused?! And if I ever wanted to make a move, should I? I wish I was able to read him just a lil bit more.
He does turn to look at me too when I’m around but maybe he thinks I’m weird haha
No he’s looking at me when this happens, straight into my eyes and might say hi or nod, depends, but I just wish I knew what he thinks of me
Haha you’re right, I just hope it’s not bc of me 😔
I’d love to make him smile but I’m afraid I might cross a line, I really don’t understand if I’ve bothered him in that past
I would but I just don’t understand if he’d be interested at all…
And I’m sucking at life for now, so no maybe I wouldn’t haha
Thank you ❤️
He looks pretty confident and outgoing actually… He seems down to earth and nice, but sort of proud, in the way he moves and walks or how he behaves (from what I’ve seen from a distance, so just body language and his posture…)
And he’s not afraid to raise his voice, I always notice this cause I’m very quiet myself.
Anyway, I still don’t know how to interpret his behaviour with me
Yes I thought about it, but the weirdest for me is not smiling back at me. That’s what typically happens even with strangers, no? I happen to smile at someone I’ll never see again and they smile back, it just happens and I’m not the most social person myself… But in this case we bump into each other frequently, he will nod or say hi but smiling NEVER
Thank you!
Same thing here in Italy, according to what I read.
Thank you!
One day I was trying to avoid eye contact with him but then I looked up and saw he was staring at me with a raised eyebrow and sort of confused and I’d say even disgusted
My op?! He did look sorry after that but that’s what his face looked like at first.
I’m afraid he actually wishes I did avoid him successfully
I mean, if he was intentionally looking st me with a disgusted face
So he hates me 😱
That’s exactly what stops me: I had a course, it was C and Python programming and I did quite well but it was really basic. And if it hadn’t been for what I was studying before, I would have never tried programming.
But new things are actually a good thing… For example what makes me consider computer science is the idea that later I might get into data science and maybe do something as a data journalist. But even if I think it’s really cool, I don’t know if I’ll actually like doing it.
I was thinking I could combine it with something about design (single courses, self taught or whatever opportunity arises), and I even found out about this guy, Leonardo Nicoletti Just imagine being able to do that! What scares me is the actual doing, I’d like to get more into it but don’t know how to try it out in the few months I have left. I think I could access further studies in Data Science even through Economics or Engineering but CS seemed like the “whole package”… Idk
especially given the carnage going on in /r/cscareerquestions—it’s not looking good.
What do you mean? if you have the time, of course
Normally engineering and computer science pay the most.
All three open various different job positions, but, in my case, the problem is age.
To me business and economics sounds like the more flexible one, but that’s not always a good thing cause being less “specialized” can mean lower value, at least for some job positions…
What matters most to me is finding a job first, and then being able of moving from there. Example:
And still everytime I choose to not opt for it I think “how do I know, it’s not like they prepared me for this choice, I might actually love it” so I go back to these questions and others a thousand times a day :) And never pick anything.
Yes you’re right but what I’m talking about refers to the job side alone. I’m going to opt for one of these three things, and I don’t know how to choose
You’re right.
Well I’ve always been great with languages, intuitive with technology (but I’d prefer to avoid working with it, or living with it in general), I’m detail oriented and good at getting organized (when I know what I want haha). I like helping people, I’m understanding and I love interacting with others, I’m curious and I like variety even though I’m a bit introverted and reserved. But being of service is a good way for me to bridge that gap, if it makes sense.
I like researching and collecting stuff, mostly when it comes to things I like, be it music or films or books.
Thank you.
Unfortunately I don’t know what I want in any aspect of my life. Right now the only thing I need is to make some sort of decision, but I really don’t know how to do that
He seems pretty confident though, I think he would have made a move had he been interested