Men, help me read eye contact.
Mainly interested in this guy who’s always extremely serious when looking at me: he holds eye contact and i’ve caught him looking at me when I can’t see him but whenever we interact he’s dead serious.
Never smiled back to me, he’s always nice though… He doesn’t seem shy but maybe I can’t tell cause he seems very masculine… I don’t understand if he’s just serious, or shy or intentionally doing that. He almost looks angry but I can tell he’s not haha
Maybe he’s a psychopath and isn’t aware you are not an NPC and are able to interpret his gaze.
Does he show emotions?
If you don’t think he’s a psychopath / sociopath here’s a list how I’d interpret it:
Haha no, he’s not a psycho!
I’m sure he looks at me cause we do interact sometimes, but the problem is I’m obviously attracted to him, I’m pretty sure it shows and he knows cause I turn red and get nervous. I’m afraid he thinks I’m weird and maybe looks at me cause “oh here’s the weird girl who’s crushing on me” and I don’t want to be creepy
Man, I really hope there’s a woman that thinks about me like this, and I’m just too stupid to realize.
Ask if he wants to grab a coffee. Maybe he’s just oblivious.
I’d say if you make move don’t try to send signals and be more direct if you want a result
Just a note, 8% of men are colourblind. I have often been told that someone is blushing but can’t tell at all.