Men, help me read eye contact.
Mainly interested in this guy who’s always extremely serious when looking at me: he holds eye contact and i’ve caught him looking at me when I can’t see him but whenever we interact he’s dead serious.
Never smiled back to me, he’s always nice though… He doesn’t seem shy but maybe I can’t tell cause he seems very masculine… I don’t understand if he’s just serious, or shy or intentionally doing that. He almost looks angry but I can tell he’s not haha
He hasn’t hit the threshold of emotion necessarily to cause a smile response. Your threshold is so low that you smile just by looking at someone.
Why his smile threshold is where it is can be due to many factors like culture, abuse, trauma, state of being, mental state, social conditioning, etc.
There is a Russian saying that states “A man who smiles without reason is mad(insane).” Give him a reason to smile.
Haha you’re right, I just hope it’s not bc of me 😔
I’d love to make him smile but I’m afraid I might cross a line, I really don’t understand if I’ve bothered him in that past
You have two options.
Option 1: You keep overthinking and never approach him because you think he is a certain way. All downsides in a small scale.
Option 2: You talk to him, be direct, and you get to find out who he is. Either he has no interest for whatever reason or you find a great guy. I guess he could secretly be a serial killer or like fights dogs, but finding that out is just part of what makes dating fun.
Let me let you in on an open secret, girls have a far higher success rate approaching guys than the other way around. So if he, or any guy, appeals to you just fucking approach him and be direct. Eye contact and giving looks aren’t signs that tell a guy a girl is interested. We are conditioned to believe a girl being nice is just a girl being nice and to ignore anything but the most obvious and direct indications of romantic interest. Seriously, just walk up to a dude and say “I think you’re cute/attractive, want to go out sometime?” Very high chance of success if he is single and you aren’t a 2 that just crawled out of a swamp trying for a 10.