Men, help me read eye contact.
Mainly interested in this guy who’s always extremely serious when looking at me: he holds eye contact and i’ve caught him looking at me when I can’t see him but whenever we interact he’s dead serious.
Never smiled back to me, he’s always nice though… He doesn’t seem shy but maybe I can’t tell cause he seems very masculine… I don’t understand if he’s just serious, or shy or intentionally doing that. He almost looks angry but I can tell he’s not haha
Is he staring at you or just in your general direction. Sometimes I’ll just look in a direction and let my mind wander - eyes are open but not seeing anything because I’m in my head. And people who don’t smile can have a variety of reasons to do so.
Best thing you can do is ignore it and not dwell. Otherwise, just ask him. He knows best. “Hey, I saw you staring off into the distance, anything on your mind?” or ask him what kind of things he thinks are funny, if anything funny happened to him lately, maybe prefix it with something that you saw or happened to you that you found funny. “I watched COMEDIAN last night. They’re my favorite. Do you watch comedy?” or something else.
I just wouldn’t be too direct about him not laughing or smiling. It may come off as “smile more princess” and could piss him off - I know it would piss me off. But asking me about stuff that I like and am interested in can get a smile on my face. It could on him too.
No he’s looking at me when this happens, straight into my eyes and might say hi or nod, depends, but I just wish I knew what he thinks of me
Ask him. We can’t know ;)