So does Musi on iOS
So does Musi on iOS
We can’t even get cars out of Kensington market. We’ll never close a stretch of Yonge.
Have more info on that? Are most owned by the same company?
I’m back on the dating scene in my early 30’s and I try to be hostile to their algorithm by force quitting and leaving the app closed which seems to trigger it to try and be more engaging.
I also tried gold only to have my filters just not work. Why would I be interested in matching someone 6000km away or someone with kids even though I’ve tried filtering them out? Ask Tinder I guess. Why would I pay for a service that doesn’t even work. Now that I’m not paying the “likes” seem to roll in even though I frequently run out of users for my area.
But if that’s the case just go to a club a pay for bottle service or something and invite some women to drink for free. Probably have better luck than trying to be splashy on Tinder hahaha
I believe the CEOs son has some special needs and he’s been big on pushing them to develop inputs methods that are accessible. It’s definitely getting better! As a gamer who’s been playing since they were a kid and now in my 30’s I’m starting to get RSI like issues and definitely appreciate some of these accessibility movements because they allow me to change up my input more often.
Doubtful, some people in my building had mentioned it was a car accident taking down a utility pole
Huh, I just enabled it last night hahaha
That’s ridiculous. I do put money away. The problem is that the size of downpayment needed is growing way faster than I could hope to save. How often do these adverse affects actually happen? Once or twice? You can also DIY.
Other things you can reliably budget for, new roof is every 20 years, maybe new appliances every 10 years. General upkeep? Renters do that already but you can DIY and you have a say in what happens.
Your argument is basically if you can’t save for a home while already paying for a home you can’t afford a home.
That’s ridiculous. I do put money away. The problem is that the size of downpayment needed is growing way faster than I could hope to save. How often do these adverse affects actually happen? Once or twice? You can also DIY.
Other things you can reliably budget for, new roof is every 20 years, maybe new appliances every 10 years. General upkeep? Renters do that already but you can DIY and you have a say in what happens.
Your argument is basically if you can’t save for a home while already paying for a home you can’t afford a home.
That’s me. I don’t have a mortgage, and don’t have a down payment so instead I just pay my landlords mortgage and then some. The best part is I can get personal use evicted at any point and instead of actually gaining equity I get nothing but another 30 day extension of having a roof. And at this rate that looks like it’ll be forever. If my landlord decides to kick me out I’ll likely have to leave the city and therefor my job.
Basically anything short of we’re going to expropriate land and build massive amounts of rgi’s and cooperatives will fix it on the supply side of the equation.
We need to tackle the problem at the source and that’s housing being used as an investment vehicle by wealthy people and corporations as a means of wealth extraction from the working class. It’s completely choking the economy.
I keep seeing them too! It’s always some “news report” looking format with either angry Justin or confident PP (weird how that works).
This is what I too. Collect the vaped bud in a freezer bag and then extract the remaining THC into edibles. Everyone loves them, it tends to be a strong and gentle high.
Same. Burn it all down. I’m tired of paying my landlord the equivalent of a mortgage for fuck all security because I don’t have enough for a downpayment.
Woo paying for ads! We’re back to cable.
Isn’t that technically salting the earth? Maybe in something like the Sahara but I don’t see like it’s a good idea.
Ours switched to attesting in the hr system. You don’t do your 3 days? That’s a paddlin’
If that’s the issue what about just cranking the vibration up so you can feel and hear it if you set it down?
I agree it’s ridiculous that we still have this private monopoly running. IRRC the contract is coming up for renewal and they’ve already tried to get rid of it before but it would have resulted in billions in penalties. I hope they do get rid of the beer store, but fuck the cons.