Sounds great, if it’s non-allergenic too it would be a great product.
-credit to nedroid for strange art
Sounds great, if it’s non-allergenic too it would be a great product.
Let’s see how committed they are to “Free Speech”. Bets on how long until Florida or D.C. bans these ads? (They’ll call it “foreign interference”).
Hmm, guess that’s tacit permission for Canada to do the same with our southbound water then eh? >:(
It does matter, if nothing else in that you voted, and if not PC, then it is recorded that not 100% in your riding want PC. Don’t please let FPTP dissuade you from voting at all.
Yup that’s pretty much it, I wish it came with the original instructions, but I found this online:
How it works… Crafted of pewter and brass and available in several design motifs, these bold sundial replicas use a unique “Bead of Light” to tell time. First, adjust the brass band for the correct month. Then suspend the dial by its black satin cord with the hole facing the sun. A ray of sunshine will shine and a bead of light will illuminate a number on the inside of the dial, showing the time of day Nicely packaged, all sundials come with instructions. Calibrated to work best near latitude 40 degrees north.
I would totally buy a modern reproduction of this. So cool.
I found a sundial ring somewhere a few years ago, I think it was one of these …
I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting some kind of Spanish Inquisition.
Hi I’d like to report a personal attack please. Oof.
Night Court!! Man I haven’t seen that show in years but it was hilarous.
Hah, oh I bet they are, whether they know it ir not ;)
Yup, DVD players suffered from the bad caps a lot back then as well, it was always one or two specific electrolytics in the power supply.
“closed-door workshop”
Translation: sedition planning meeting.
New DeBeers ad campaign incoming: “Show her you really love her with the gift of a CrystalTime™ Diamond” …
Oh no! Anyway… it’s a good start.
OP, might want to edit your post’s title (Lemmy lets you do that – another plus over ‘the other site’).
Simple – your cable is quantum-entangled with another cable in a parallel timeline where its owner also has to rotate their cable, but the exact opposite way. You see, they are both entangled in opposite states so must always be in opposite orientations. It’s sort of like the Pauli exclusion principle in action across the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum theory.
I had not heard of Jackett and to be honest haven’t really looked into aggregators. Will look into it, thank you.
Why is this being downvoted so much? It doesn’t seem to be referring to ‘generative AI’, but rather algorithmic composition.
(Yet another valid term being ruined by techbros: generative. Like ‘crypto’ meant cryptography before shitcoin techbros ruined that word…)
The fact I’d never even heard of ESOP as an ownership model, yet hear all the time about all sorts of other crazy schemes like derivatives, dividends, buybacks, SPACs, short-selling, calls, puts, blah blah blah… being sold as vehicles of wealth for ‘the poors’ like us, just shows how slanted our markets are against any sort of meaningful worker ownership like this.
Time to start shouting “ESOP!” everywhere we can!