I am a bit confused about how this doesn’t effect Fedora Linux but does effect AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, EuroLinux, and Oracle Unbreakable Linux.
Fedora is upstream from RHEL. Everything else you named is downstream from RHEL
As I understand it, Fedora is upstream of RHEL, but the distros you have listed are downstream of RHEL
ie Rocky is built from RHEL sources which are built from Fedora sources.
Its likely more nuanced than that, but thats my basic understanding
As far as I know Fedora is fully detached from RHEL and is its own independent distro, most others still rely on RHEL as their upstream.
Debian once again shows its strength
Lol, that’s why GPL was not as bullet proof as we think they are, then the following versions and updates. But anyway, fuck RedHat, I have not use it for as long as I can(only 2 of my past employers requires it as linux as the software company won’t support distros not on their tiny distro list. And their tiny IT wouldn’t want to waste time testing/custom build a linux for internal use. oh, and with the year gaps it still sucks as it was.)
With so many FOSS getting bought, changed licenses into split( commercial+GPL and non-commercial+special terms. ) The contributors getting slap left and right for doing the free work and then have their hard work taken away. Yep, and I think Red Hat is the pioneer in that.