Every time I look at reddit or twitter they’re designed to be filled with the most vile or annoying posts imaginable to keep you scrolling and this place just… doesn’t have that. It’s relieving to not be inherently angry just scrolling through new posts

  • @[email protected]
    2111 months ago

    That’s the beauty of a free, not for profit, decentralized system. The only goal for the developers is to make it a great user experience. It’s not about getting clicks for ad revenue

  • Dessalines
    1511 months ago

    Sites like twitter, FB, reddit, youtube, for whatever reason always push the most rage-inducing content to their front pages. I guess it helps with “engagement”, and they see it as a positive that people spend more time on their sites… regardless of the psychological consequences of having users angry.

    Twitter especially, could just ruin my whole day, with the content it pushes to everyone’s feeds. They really don’t care about our psychological well-being, at all. Standard short-term capitalist thinking.

    • Scrubbles
      311 months ago

      I could go to Twitter for 5 minutes and in that 5 minutes be angry, excited, anxious, hopeful, and depressed. It was way way waaaayyy too much. I had to leave. That’s how I noticed it was time to think about leaving Reddit, I left it feeling worse than when I started browsing.

  • Scrubbles
    1211 months ago

    I noticed that over the last few months of Reddit. I didn’t used to get this angry over everything, or freaked out, or anxiety issues. Reddit (and all social media) has a profit motive to give us rage-bait to keep us engaged.

    Even freaking memes, aww, and basic communities were giving it to me, and the algorithm ramps it up.

    It’s only been a few days here and I’m feeling much more relaxed compared to Reddit.

      • Scrubbles
        611 months ago

        Yep, I saw how busy lemmy.ml and the others were getting, and reading the posts I saw how important it is to spread out the users. So I figured I might as well, I run a few other services anyway.

        If you like music I’m trying to kick start the server and welcome communities!

        • TerrorBite :veripawed3:
          411 months ago

          I’m still looking around for an instance to join, right now I’m using my existing Mastodon account. I’m leaning towards lemmy.blahaj.zone currently, but I’m also wondering how many new instances will pop up in the next month.

          • Scrubbles
            411 months ago

            Well you are welcome to join mine! I’m still getting up and running but I’m happy to have people. Just be warned, I started it as a safe haven for Swifties leaving Reddit, so be prepared for that lol :)

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          I hope in the future they allow individuals to host distributed infra for existing instances. I’d like to help providing hardware to expand the bandwidth of the system but not really ready for mod duties.

          • Scrubbles
            111 months ago

            I figure I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I host my own instance for a couple small communities, but we’ll see how it grows. If I need help with modding I’d do what Reddit does and ask the community if there are any volunteers

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    It’s such a relief man. Visiting reddit after this actually makes you realize how bad things have gotten, on not just reddit, but rest of the internet. So much rage, hate and negativity. This place feels… normal. Reminds me of simpler times.

  • Ada
    11 months ago

    Just like moving away from twitter