I’m wondering if this is an issue with this instance, or a deliberate choice by either server operator which communities to federate between lemmy.ca and the other server?

In this case: https://lemmy.ca/c/[email protected] works, https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] works but https://lemmy.ca/c/[email protected] gives a 404 error code.

Any advice or available workarounds would be appreciated.> good 5-10 seconds for the result to show up. i believe it needs to query the server and takes a bit sometimes.

E: Answer thanks to smorks: You have to search for the community on lemmy-ui and wait 10 seconds or so for it to appear, then anytime after the community search result is essentially “cached” for everyone on your server and will appear immediately, even within a partial search.

E2: Search for !community_name@lemmy_instance.com in the searchbar, filtering by Communities. If it shows “No results”, try again in 10sec. If it shows nothing or the community then it is discovered and the federated URL (your_instance.com/c/community_name@lemmy_instance.com) should work.

  • @smorksMA
    11 months ago

    weird, for some reason I wasn’t subscribed to this community. Sorry about that! On to your question:

    https://lemmy.ca/c/[email protected] will work now, but only because you have to first search for it, either using the url for the instance it’s on (https://beehaw.org/c/support) or the following format ([email protected]).

    I believe that’s just how the federation works on lemmy, if the no one has searched and/or subscribed to the remote community, you will get the 404 error code.

    hope that makes sense!

    edit: also, when searching for it, give it a good 5-10 seconds for the result to show up. i believe it needs to query the server and takes a bit sometimes.

    • RentlarOP
      311 months ago

      Thanks for the heads-up! I didn’t know about this quirk.

    • @bowreality
      211 months ago

      I am new here and I am trying with [email protected] in the search. It does nothing. Not even an error and waiting 10-15 sec doesn’t work either.

      • @smorksMA
        311 months ago

        I think beehaw is overloaded right now, probably why it’s not working.

        • @bowreality
          211 months ago

          I finally got one by just using the community name but I can’t subscribe 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @Ashwag
    311 months ago

    I’ve had the same questions, so I’d love to know too! :D

  • @TheEnigmaBlade
    211 months ago

    Same issue i’ve noticed. I think it’s because the lemmyverse/lemmy.ca is struggling from the 5% boost to total user base over 3 days

  • @sikhness
    211 months ago

    Are you all able to get any lemmy.world communities to show up? Is lemmy.ca not federated to that?

    • RentlarOP
      210 months ago

      So I figured it out, I’ll try to update the post:

      Search for !community_name@lemmy_instance.com in the searchbar, filtering by Communities. If it shows “No results”, try again in 10sec. If it shows nothing or the community then it is discovered and the federated URL (your_instance.com/c/community_name@lemmy_instance.com)

    • @smorksMA
      211 months ago

      see my answer above, if you search for either https://infosec.pub/c/securitynews or !securitynews@infosec.pub, then click on the link that shows up, it should start working.

      • @glandrid
        211 months ago

        Awesome, that worked. Thanks Smorks!