if someone is being impersonated on the #fediverse how do they find out?

sure you can search for user names, but doesn’t help with impersonation on defederated servers right?

any way to search the whole thing or have all the projects aiming to do that stopped because of backlash @ the idea of a fediverse-wide search function?

@fediverse @fediversenews

  • @mkhoury
    121 year ago

    Mastodon has a checkmark verification system where you can point to websites and social media that link back to the mastodon profile. Having this two-way exchange allows users to somewhat verify that the account is owned by whoever owns the site. It makes it harder to impersonate people, especially if they have a popular off-Fediverse presence.

  • Sagar Acharya
    61 year ago

    That’s an extremely important questions. Thanks for asking.

    It is impossible today to know. With AI able to create pictures, text very similar to a person’s language, it is impossible. One would have to personally meet the person and verify their id and content!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    That’s not specifically an issue for the Fediverse but your entire online life. You may consider a service like Keyoxide.

    Edit for an addition: I just noticed that this doesn’t answer the question. Keyoxide helps to protect against impersonation, not how to find out whether that already happens. I don’t know of an easy way to do that, though. You’d probably need to do a lot of research across the web I guess?

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      i wish it was more widespread in the non tech world. Not only keyoxide but public key signatures and encryption in general.