In perhaps his most disappointing policy announcement thus far, Carney has indicated he will scrap the Liberal’s plan to increase the capital gains inclusion rate. This mildly progressive measure was directed squarely at the passive incomes of the wealthiest sliver of Canadians and would have served as a healthy revenue generator. Instead, it’s destined for the scrapheap.
My riding has been conservative for decades, so I get to vote for whoever I want. Not that it matters. :\
It does matter, if nothing else in that you voted, and if not PC, then it is recorded that not 100% in your riding want PC. Don’t please let FPTP dissuade you from voting at all.
Oh I vote every election.
Yeah, I hope nobody took my comment to suggest that it’s not worth voting at all in a “safe” riding. Frankly that’s a bit liberating, if I was in a riding that was already certain to go to any party (Conservative, Liberal, Natural Law, whatever) then that would mean I was free to vote my conscience. The popular vote doesn’t mean anything in absolute legal terms but it’s still a nice bit of psychological pressure to apply.
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