Man I loved Myst, this is cool!
A whole new world, do they mean Rime? Cause that’s not new. Fun tho from what I member
I hated Myst as a kid. Not just because I disliked the gameplay, but because its inexplicable popularity heralded a shift in the adventure game market. Instead of more Sierra or LucasArts-type games, there were, for years, scads of shitty, boring Myst-likes.
I hated it too. Not for any of the valid reasons you have though…
We didn’t have a PC powerful enough to play Myst. So I’d have to go play it at the library and remember to bring my floppy so I could have my save. But the library’s copy had a scratch on the disc, and it would always freeze/crash half way through. Hit that point twice, and I’ve never played it since…
Myst’s “inexplicable popularity”, along with games similar to it, was partially due to the advent of CD-ROMs becoming a viable medium for games. These games came out just before 3D graphics hit gaming. Myst was released at the same time as Doom. So these games existed in a time where CDs could hold much more data than disks, but most games were still 2D. So “pretty slideshow” games (along with FMVs) were a legitimate innovation at the time.
Has anyone remade myst in powerpoint?
I was wondering why there was an update pending for it in Steam.
The best game in history just keeps getting better
…Who was asking about Myst?
Point and click has been a dead genre for like 2 decades now
It’s relevant enough for PC Gamer to be writing about it, so someone must’ve been asking.
This “dead genre” has been steadily receiving games the whole time it’s been out of the zeitgeist. And it’s popular enough that they were willing to remake one of the greats as well as its sequel. Things aren’t dead just because you personally don’t like it.
Remaking a game from a few decades back reads more as desperate than anything else. They’re relying on nostalgia for sales, not actually attracting a new audience
Idk about that, the Riven remake that came out last year was one of the best games I’ve played in ages.
Don’t forget about the “new” Monkey Island!!
You, specifically, enjoying a …remake of a spiritual successor to a game that came out decades ago… doesn’t mean the genre is alive and kicking.
A few I enjoyed from the current decade are Pentiment, return to monkey Island, and twelve minutes
Open it up to 2010s and you’ll include The Wolf among us, the walking dead, Kentucky route zero, Sam and Max devils playhouse, etc
Get fucked and speak for yourself. Myst is an amazing game. You ignorant slut
I clearly touched a nerve. And, just like I’d expect from someone who would overreact like this to a very neutral comment, you completely misread what I said.
I would disagee, while rare there are still a few new bangers that make it. For example Disco elysium. wouldn’t mind a remake of a couple of point andclick alsö
I’ve never really thought of it as one, but I guess Disco Elysium could technically qualify as a point and click adventure. It just doesn’t have the object combination based puzzles I normally associate with the genre.
Visual novels and walking Sims like firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch are just point and click adventures in a different dimension.
There is a loud contingent of people who think myst is the peak of gaming.
They’re wrong, but harmless.
As a huge myst fan myself i fired up my save of myst 2021 and played rime. The day the update came out came out. The books really enhance the game series. The new remake of Riven is top notch.