Maybe you already on to something there let’s get some cattle prods and do something experiments 😋
Maybe you already on to something there let’s get some cattle prods and do something experiments 😋
Yeah but now they can increase the price with minimum risk and could even benefit to those that get lock their data into those services.
Yeah kneel to get whipped “whipped” that’s what they are doing and not the other thing.
The problem is that’s great for them you are not what they want. I started seeing these as like with spelling mistakes in scam emails they act as a filter for people that are not desperate or people that have enough self respect to not put up with it. That way they get the people they want that they can exploit to hell and back.
From the ones I have heard yes the they need to pay the estate but my logic is when you get to something that is brand no longer tied to a person. You end up with mickey mouse being relevant 100 years later when the people that only care about money. They never even met the person that is tied to the estate.
It’s not unfounded and I don’t know of a time when Linus wasn’t right in the end. But I wouldn’t say it’s blind devotion he would be turned on in a second he betrayed his principles. Also FOSS is not about lack of ownership its about sharing code for the greater good. Every owner of a project knows that a project can be forked in an instant.
I don’t want to speak for them but I interpret it as end of Society/Civilization when they say world.
Yeah Dann accurate I used to have some of the best insurance you could get and even that didn’t matter she just stopped talking insurance as BCBS kept screwing her . If not for the VA as a backup I would be fucked (we will see how long that lasts) but I have to just pay her out of the pocket for now. Honestly anything health related needs to be divorced from our jobs in the US.
What’s your driver version
Run modinfo nvidia | grep ^version
Well I don’t want to see the end. Other than the climate issues that are already to far gone to have anything remotely like the lives we have right now. All the other stuff we can fight and get through. I do grieve for humanitys lost potential as a species. I live like someone that is terminal and charish everyday and make a bucket list for things I want to do before I can’t do them anymore.
I can’t tell you how much I want to be wrong but reading the ipcc reports. You can’t help but count your days. It’s gone from if we just stop doing what we are doing 30 years ago we will be okay. To if we stop everything right now and have a miracle tech that can pull carbon out of the air. It won’t be as bad and we are not even doing the stopping part. We have to beat fascism before we can even start step 1.
I will happeily eat crow the day I’m wrong with a big smile on my face.
There was this scene in the movie “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” that always sticks with me. They are laying in the bed staring at each other when the meteor makes earth fall. I live that scene in slow motion when it comes to the climate every heat dome or winter vortex or wildfire. Is another aftershock they flinch at as they stare at each other waiting for the screen to go black.
Yeah with Nvidia mango hub doesn’t play nice all the time do you see any metrics with nvtop?
UFO 50 let your kid experience the evolution of gaming
I can answer this this is what you want it means you already pushing your card to its max and is limited by the power limit of the card. So if your wattage matches your cards rating then you are good.
You may need to fix mango hub in order to see the wattage on your gpu.
NVIDIA has issues reporting correctly so you may need to check in the Nvidia control panel to get the wattage.
I think jocks they make jockstraps for women too. So it still fits.
Yep brain fart nice catch
Impulse101 for Half-Life to get everything from the very beginning and create havok for the scientists.
And of course the Konami Code
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
Nope I get it but I will get some schadenfreude when some estate that only cares about money sells Anne Heche’s likeness to a porn company. As all the other famous people scramble to get contacts in place to try and stop it happening to them.
Think of it this way the avg person wants to get value out of what they bought and they don’t think ahead. so they use the free trial rebranded as included with the price. Then before too long all their stuff in in there and they are too lazy or too tired to move off. It’s the cocaine selling model but instead of addiction it relies on apathy. And if you are the one of the people that does think ahead then you’re not going to use the service and so therefore they got to increase the price of their product without you putting a strain on those free services it’s a win-win for them.