edit To be clear, celebrity boxing matches for charity are a common, fun thing. The head coaches of two rival sports teams, or the mayors of different cities do this sort of thing. Sometimes as part of a friendly rivalry when trade negotiations are getting tense, sure.
But the US is declaring war on us. The time for fun and games with the US is over. We deal with them politically, diplomatically, and economically; and as coldly as possible.
Sorry, but this is pathetic.
edit To be clear, celebrity boxing matches for charity are a common, fun thing. The head coaches of two rival sports teams, or the mayors of different cities do this sort of thing. Sometimes as part of a friendly rivalry when trade negotiations are getting tense, sure.
But the US is declaring war on us. The time for fun and games with the US is over. We deal with them politically, diplomatically, and economically; and as coldly as possible.
It is. But maybe it’s exactly what’s needed.
I don’t know. This timeline got so fucked up I don’t know how anything works anymore.
I get your point, but what is needed is for Canada to be the adult in the room.