How is the software-rendered image supposed to show up on the screen if GPU is nonresponsive? Excluding laptops with switchable graphics, the GPU is the one actually connected to the display. If the GPU hangs, how could the CPU continue to update the framebuffer in GPU memory?
I still remember when the first (and maybe only?) time I’ve had a GPU driver crash in Windows. It just restarted the driver and had a little popup saying what had happened. So far ahead of Linux; I think that was like 10 years ago.
Would be nice if Linux could catch up.
i’m sorry but isn’t the current way of “informing” user-space that it just fucking dies? Because that’s my experience with GPU issues, it either works perfectly fine or everything is clown-vomit and the computer completely shits itself.
Thanks for the laugh.
Hung GPU 😍😍😋
wt actual f is happening in that picture
Using a PCI screw bracket as a bottle opener
Now that you mention it yeah…
Looks like they’re using a dremel like too to cut the PCI bracket, maybe to fit it in a smaller case or something?
the whole card has been ripped in half…
I had problems that seemed like GPU problems quite a few times when testing stuff and wondered if there was a good way to check it.
Was thinking if the serial debugger is still in use and whether Linux gives useful output in that for me to set one up.There’s always a beer in Phoronix articles. Please drink responsibility, ie as little as possible.
Alcohol is only good when being used to clean thermal paste residue.