MAJOR sale because nobody wants it.
Soon they’ll be in a 75% off bin when people still don’t buy them for 40% off
This makes me laugh. I was in my local Canadian Tire last week and took some photos. The hydration cups haven’t sold since they launched last summer. I wonder if Canadian Tire realizes that she exaggerates her influence and follower count. I guess the Jamaican bots aren’t thirsty.
Damn that’s a big display! Bigger than her own home town CT’s
It’s remained unchanged since last summer. I don’t think one cup has been sold.
I bet so many CT customers walk by her display and are like, who??
I heard they’re shit quality 😂
All we need are a bunch of Shine influencers telling us to vote. Loser ignorant non contributing members of society. They would never want to alienate followers so I know they won’t talk about why we should vote or the issues at hand. I’d put money on them not being able to expand for even 30 seconds on the “go vote” conversation.
Love when comments that are not kissing her ass get through 😂
Looks like a leech!
That bra tho…hahah
It looks like it hurts! Fabulous ad!
When the filter slips 🙄 Why does she think having a messy room is funny? Being a lush who sits on her ass as much as possible is not relatable.
She’s in her melted ice cream era.
I love that the Ozempic face is finally coming in!
The filters are having a field day with her nose.
Omg those stupid ass eyebrows. Coloured in with a marker ffs. She looks positively manic in this picture.
Also, did you clean yet, Sarah? 🙃
And look how low those eyebrows are…
Lmfao it’s eating the blanket!
Omg what’s wrong with her head lol. She’s deteriorated!
Seriously. Idk why someone who sits around all day doing nothing thinks that being messy is such a flex? And why does being messy make you hot? lol. Any reason to achieve her biggest goal in life; being hot.
She’s a nut job tbh.
Laughing into her phone like a hyena because she hasn’t cleaned her room in 3 months. I wonder what it takes for her to be embarrassed? She’s such a bonehead.
Seriously, she seems to feel zero shame about ANYTHING. So many things she does I’d so embarrassed about and she just thinks it’s all so funny and cute.
Like to not even make your bed? I don’t get it.
Also again with that star-studded social media content. Added to the list of regurgitated fupa posts and selfies, talking about how you… haven’t cleaned in three months… how do people stand this loser
I really don’t understand how she has the platform she does. She legit does nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. Her cutesy dumb blonde schtick is BORING and not a likable trait at all.
She’s full Queen Bitch today, just how imagined she is.
Like, this is your life. Staying in your room all day, talking to a phone. How truly pathetic and beyond laughable.
Hey Turdbrain, have you cleaned yet? 🤪
She’s spilling out of that outfit lol
She needs to evolve. Maybe she can give Jesus-lover another go.
Like Jillian! 🤣
She looks like a hyena. Hef looks have really gone down!
Her new hair looks so brutal already, I love this for her. Also what colour is it… today it looks peach?!
Her eyebrows are giving me a complex. For someone who only cares about her looks and invest every waking minute into them, I can’t believe this is considered OK for her. Why can’t Shane help and/or clean?? Such useless people it drives me crazy
Oh Good another ill fitting bra from KN!X
That necklace looks ridiculous with that yellow bra.
She needs to visit the "A Bra That Fit"s site and do their detailed measurements because her bras never fit her properly.
Also this? Crappy filter edit or too tight? I don’t know about anybody else, but my upper ribs don’t have an hourglass figure lol
Everything is wrong about this yellow bra!! How could they not fit her beforehand or tell their model hey, you need to wear a bra that FITS YOU! The top boob being pushed up/over the cup, her side boob moving to another continent, digging into her ribs like you mentioned, and that strap seems to want to cut her arm off of her body. This is all so so bad. I almost want to message Knix and not even from a snarky perspective, but from being completely baffled that this passed. It is 100% an ad for “Signs your bra doesn’t fit properly”
The tighter the better for her 😵💫 god forbid she size up.
This would make me not want to buy this bra. It looks extremely uncomfortable.
It’s on the lowest strap setting too lol
Yep and it’s pulling the fat together in the center of her back it’s so goddamn tight!
I couldn’t have that on my body.
Ooooohhhh this is so soooo bad!!!
The way her side boob is flopping out. Lol. Bad bad coverage and bad ad to promote such an Ill fitted bra.
And the spilling over! Knix brawls don’t fit right or she’s determined to wear a smaller size.
She is 100% the reason I have never tried KN!X. Nothing she wears ever looks like it’s comfortable. Boobs spilling out, underwear crammed up her ass. The swimwear is god awful too.
Also the strap digging into her shoulder. For the love of god, loosen it a bit. HOW can that be comfortable.
The fat pouring out the sides, is that meant to entice me to get out my credit card and buy this? Lol
It’s so ridiculous!
Just hot girl shit ☕️
She’s giving PigPen.
Mrs. Writer Boss Babe. I literally have no idea what she’s trying to say.
As if her kids wouldn’t find her ass planted on the couch 🤔
I don’t understand the first part but I think her kids FaceTime her when they can’t find her.
They FaceTime her because the phone is permanently glued to her hand. Such a sad existence.
Come oooon, people 🙄😞😩
Looks like a mother and daughter
It really does
She’s been swapping up the faces a lot lately. I’m sensing some seriously low self-esteem.
There is no way she’s happy with that hair!
So ridiculous. This looks like an AI-generated picture of herself
She’s hates herself and her new hair so bad.
How many selfies does this woman take…omgosh! The side of mouth gapping is hilarious and her eyes bend downward…not up so this filter is definitely filtering
She’s starting to look like a Muppet
That sweater is so fugly.
I can’t get over whatever that thing is on her lips
They look so bad and over inflated!
I think it’s her gums
Her stupidity and lies show when she says she doesn’t get filler. Lips can’t leave gaps like that without filler. Humans aren’t designed that way. 🤪
It’s just the way your phone received it 🙄
The eye shape, lips shape, the top of the nose. She’s the biggest fraud. I would hate to be her.
I just wanted to remind everyone she wasn’t the overweight teen she talks about. She spins these tales of heartache and then posts a pic of herself at 17 and she looks pretty average. I’m sure there were lots of girls who were smaller but an equal number who were bigger.
Goes home to dig up yearbooks ;)
Yasssssss 🔥🔥
Happy Roll Up The Rim with your shirt off day 👍
Omg are you serious?
She’s beyond boring. Put your top back on Birdie no one cares.
She is so ridiculous and boring. Bra on with cleav is mandatory to show everyone you lost at frickin’ ROTR. I bet she is going to do this every single day.
😆 I just know these overlined lips look even more ridiculous in person.
I don’t even know who’s face this is bc it certainly isn’t hers
Right. Shes really has lost her marbles. Not even a pore on her filtered mug.
Can you say airbrush?! She is delusional because she clearly thinks people can’t tell or will believe that it is an untouched photo.
Fuck off lips. I hate her
Ugh always looking like a weird muppet
And cover up all over the collar…
When you see this picture it goes to show how much work she has had on her face in terms of fillers and Botox. I wouldn’t doubt it if she’s had an upper bleph too unless Botox has the same affect.
Add threads too. There’s no way those eyebrows moved up by themselves.
Botox won’t do that. IMO she had a bleph and a nose job, filler, botox…
I doubt she’s had a nose job. If she did they botched it
agreed. She’s never offline long enough to hide it, if she got one done
Definitely a bleph and I’ve seen some crazy vids of nose transformations with Botox but seeing these photos…I would agree with you! Totally a different person.
I do not understand what this thread is.