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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2024


  • Now she’s talking about not “grieving right” borrowing content from her newest groupie Renee. I hope her fake friends realize she isn’t even worth being fake friends with. But maybe that’s already happening and that’s why she spent time with Alicia and who ever the other person was. She’s just such a looser!

  • Poofluencerstothebirdspapaya_snarkDiscussion Thread March 8
    10 days ago

    I wonder what happens between these two idiots when Shane shows up on her insta? Is he earning a golf trip with the guys? Does she play her mental heath card to get him to help? I thought this was more recycled content but this is her new hair. Which means she randomly put on a bikini in the middle of the day, while she’s so, so, so busy and behind on the cool behind the scenes stuff, set up a camera and made him touch her 🤢….

    And only 150 comments singing her praises and courage. Many her own.

  • Poofluencerstothebirdspapaya_snarkDiscussion Thread March 2
    16 days ago

    How can she not see that her very platform and constant beauty content is harmful in the way she describes magazines have been in the past. She filters out every single pore on her face. She’s paid for her face and her hair - none of it is what she was born with. I know these woman say they put on their make up every day for themselves as an act of self care…but they like looking at themselves through their cameras with full make up for a reason - it’s because they believe one is superior to the other. It’s just all so backwards. It reminds me of the housewives of the 50s who actually didn’t believe in woman voting, working and contributing. They had perfect hair, clothes and houses and other people raised their babies. Nothing wrong with that but it was based in woman not knowing their worth or believing they were more than tiny waists, perfect hair and make up. She’s just so ridiculous and shallow.

  • Poofluencerstothebirdspapaya_snarkDiscussion Thread March 2
    22 days ago

    If Sarah is not in control of the camera she looks like this with her Botox and over filled lips.

    That’s a recent photo - not taken by her and not in a professional setting where photos are edited. The photos she posts of herself are angles and beauty filters. That 3rd photo is not what her features look like even though she will try to say it’s lighting, make up and post 4 year postpartum lip swelling.

  • Her latest stretch mark post is so trivial. I get that it’s her niche but what if we replace “see my stretch marks” with natural hair, wrinkles, jeans I’ve had for 5 years, the lips I was born with, my nails I painted myself….

    It’s no surprise her money maker is a part of her she only shows if she chooses to. The rest of her screams I do t like my hair, my aging face or my lips. Everything about her says I only feel good in my body when I’m spending money on new cloths and latest trends. Self care is only about looking hot.

    I’m just baffled by woman celebrating her.