The pregnancies just began and she became a mother - she doesn’t know how it happened! 😂
I have kids and they were all speaking in full sentences, having independent thoughts and we could have conversations when they were this age but we always spoke to them like people. We never used baby talk or sing song voices and we engaged them in speaking with people all the time. They weren’t in front of screens just consuming all the time.
When she’s home the screen is her caregiver - you rarely see her parents interacting with her
She’d just gaslight her child and pretend her birthday is the day Bird is there.
It also shows everyone around her is as much an idiot as she is and doesn’t know what’s going on in the world.
I can’t see it being successful - that’s a lot of money they’re asking people to fork over to listen to people who over share online.
She didn’t know when Kelowna was ablaze so she probably did fly to LA!
Isn’t L’s birthday soon? The party theme will probably be Wicked
Can you imagine paying to hear these people speak? Unreal!
It makes her look so much older
What? She didn’t think the rules would apply to her or her child? Shocking!
This one is outrageous!
Why wasn’t she taking her for the nap?
It’s so sad that adorable little girl has her legs crossed for the pic just like her mother. She’s absorbing all that crap Birdie dishes out just like a sponge. Why are their ankles almost the same size?
She needed 3 years to make friends who would go with her. Your trip sounds amazing!