• 47 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkGeneral TBP Snark
    9 hours ago

    All she knows about film is whether or not she likes it and how ‘hot’ is the leading man. Someone has already said she doesn’t think any of these careers require any training or education. She can just swoop in and do any job! Influencer culture must end - it’s dumbing down our society at an alarming rate and promoting over-consumption of useless crap!

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkWhat a joke
    12 hours ago

    Questioning the group think is how this group formed. The Kool-Aid cups were set aside and people started questioning what this person is doing. Influencing is a job. The Influencer is the product and the followers are the marks. We got tired of being the marks and hope we can find a way to stop her from defrauding others. To do otherwise is being a bystander. It’s awesome that you stand in judgement and label our group toxic and believe we can’t just walk away. Of course we could walk away and just allow her to continue completely unchecked since Influencing is very close to being an unregulated industry but that would be wrong.

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkWhat a joke
    12 hours ago

    I’m sorry you read it that way because it wasn’t my intent. You seem to have an unconscious bias that you are being attacked in some way. I didn’t take personal offence to you proclaiming this a hate group when it is not yet you call me after I politely tell you this isn’t the place for you.

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkWhat a joke
    14 hours ago

    Good for you. I think you are having trouble looking at something from a different point of view and don’t realize everyone doesn’t think the way you do. Your question has been answered and you don’t understand us. It’s perfectly fine not to understand and now you can just walk away from this place too

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkWhat a joke
    15 hours ago

    Her platform has had a detrimental effect on people’s self-esteem and they way they perceive themselves since this particular person uses the same techniques as an abused to draw you in and become invested. Her platform, on tne surface, stands for body confidence, family and acceptance but once your eyes are open you see she manipulates her image while telling people she never uses filters, photoshop or cosmetic procedures. You realize she is just after money and fame and cares about nothing and no one but herself. Her brand of body confidence is making women feel self-conscious about things they had never thought about before but it can be fixed if you just click her link.

    She has weaponized mental health problems to shield herself from any kind of criticism and if someone questions her she turns it back on the questioner and says they have received her image, her message in a way she did not intend. It’s all intentional and calculated.

    She has groomed people around her to believe she’s only about truth and kindness so they are blindly supporting her while she presents a false public image. She’s a salesperson who is violating disclosure laws. This isn’t a page of hate. This is a page where people who were hurt by her can gather and hopefully be a soft landing for the people who will come after. Congratulations on your weigh loss.

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkGeneral TBP Snark
    2 days ago

    This caption is really something. Most people wouldn’t take the time to analyze her body that closely but she makes sure we’re all hyper aware of any sign that a body has lived a life. She’s not doing anything earth-shattering and ‘Brad’ doesn’t care! She’s the one who cares she doesn’t have a completely flat stomach and she she’s travelling with a woman who is just nauseous slender so she’s battling the envy gremlins.