• 35 Posts
Joined 21 days ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkGeneral TBP Snark
    21 hours ago

    It doesn’t make sense if we believe these are real people following Sarah. It only makes sense if she’s paid for all these new follows. The thing is she’s been making a big deal saying she received such negative feedback. You wouldn’t think any of those people would follow her. How does she explain this explosion in her follower count. When you stack it up directly beside Alix it makes zero sense. Have you looked at their TikTok numbers? I think Alix appeals more to the age group using that platform. TikTok does nothing for Sarah since Canadians don’t benefit as easily financially there as they can on IG.

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkThis is a new face
    1 day ago

    I’m so sorry she’s made you feel this way. Please don’t be ashamed you’re on ozempic and it sounds like you’re doing all the right things with diet and exercise. I bet there is a difference but you just can’t see it yourself yet. A history of disordered eating can make us see our bodies differently than they actually look. Sarah does highlight so many things I’ve never thought about either and it makes me angry because I know it changes the way some people see themselves. She isn’t helping anyone.

  • It really did feel like she was trying to convince herself. I still don’t think the negative comments outweighed the positive but she’s going to focus on them. It’s really something when you think about how walking out on a runway, in front of people and it’s being streamed (her words) was the biggest accomplishment of her life it tell you just how shallow she is as a human-being. She has the money now to make a real change in her community but she doesn’t do it. She’s still on the grift for a free barbecue for her stupid Peoto Palace FFS!

  • MoonChildtothebirdspapaya_snarkGeneral TBP Snark
    3 days ago

    I remember when I realized Sarah wasn’t who she was pretending to be on her platform. She had written one of her toilet poetry posts saying she had never realized she could be both a mother and have a career. I was dumbfounded that a woman in her mid-30s (at the time) could have such an antiquated view and questioned her since she had spoken about her mother’s business and her aunt’s chocolate shop. There is a tradition of female entrepreneurship in her family she was just ignoring, that day, to spin a yarn of woe is me. From that point on all I could see what the hypocrisy and manipulation she uses daily on her followers.