You nailed it again Moonchild with the photo choice 😂
You nailed it again Moonchild with the photo choice 😂
She’s an idiot. I have IBS. I should be the size of a twig if that was the case…
That would require her to leave the house wouldn’t it? Did she really apply?
You’d think she would be a lot more careful with her filtering. I know it’s just the way our phones receive it but come on be a little more careful idiot 😂
I would die if my mother acted like this. She is classless.
This is so gross. The fact that she was fully clothed and decided to undress for the camera and show her dirty puss for everyone to see. What’s wrong with trying the dress on and THEN showing it off … dirty pig she is
Damn all those facials endless supply of skin care and her skin looks like that still?
She will wake up and it’s magically on her porch
This would make me not want to buy this bra. It looks extremely uncomfortable.
I can’t get over whatever that thing is on her lips
I doubt she’s had a nose job. If she did they botched it
It was a jump scare this morning wow! She’s probably so jealous of glamzilla but she is just as insufferable as birdie.
I just came here to post this!!! What is wrong with her mouth ew
These two faces are so different 🤯
I’m always surprised she never filters her ears
She’s still waiting for them to grift it to her
The wall behind her was glitching like crazy in this video!
She’s disgusting. Can’t wait for karma to run its course on her.
Wow these are HIDEOUS. Yeah I want my leggings to look like I have a thong on from the outside. Not cute but cute for her