So basically doing regular MOM shit…. Get over yourself 🙄🙄🙄
So basically doing regular MOM shit…. Get over yourself 🙄🙄🙄
@[email protected] dead 😂😂
Ever seen anyone more full of themselves?! God get over it shitbag, you’re literally not that special
I heard they’re shit quality 😂
Fuck off lips. I hate her
Totally agree! And for real, she’s projecting an image about loving and accepting her body yet she’s filled up to the tits with Botox, fillers, eyebrows tattooed, gnarly fake hair etc
She’s a disgusting person
10000% nailed it
She’s grooming this poor poor child. I just know it
2ml of filler in just this lip alone. Does she actually think this looks good??? Don’t forget to just “show up” tho 🥴🫠🙄
Keep it up shitbird! You’ll be Darcey and Stacey in no time 👌🏼
Omg I can’t stand her. I hate this smug face she makes
Her hair is fucking tragic and her stylist needs to be stripped of her license
I would actually PAY to see her grifter ass cancelled!!!
What skilled stylist would let their client wear such ratchet fried extensions?! For the love of god that colour is horrid
This is exactly it! She knows the poses to make her frame appear tiny
Like everything else 😂 fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake lips, botox, cheek filler, fake freckles, fake nails
Upper bleph FOR SURE.