The posts are funny, but I’d say that we should grift the right so that they get off big tech platforms and get into the fediverse.
I haven’t paid much attention but from what I can gather it used to be a ‘legitimate’ conservative community, where some people posted outrageous bs, think of reddit s r/thedonald sub. A couple of days ago some people noticed that there are no mods anymore in the community, for whatever reason, so the shit posting, cons trolling began and the community all of a sudden bloomed.
I’d reckon there aren’t many of them original folks around anymore, thankfully. Just scroll down, it was a very trashy community, celebrating deaths from miscarriages and such.
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It’s because right wing trolling is a lot of telling people they shouldn’t exist for matters beyond their control and left wing trolling is laughing about how dumb and absurd that mindset is.
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lol u mad
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Gotta love hitler salutes and a corporate government with a board of directors to maximize profit for the dragons that love to share the wealth they hoard, right?
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Upvotes are meaningless on Lemmy and there’s usually duplicate communities hosted on different instances.
Why don’t you just join Exploding Heads and get it over with Tesla licker?
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If you have a king, then you don’t have a constitution. You really want the US to a king?
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You know those are constitutional monarchies right? Their monarchs have effectively less political power than the American President by far and at best hold a symbolic role of paper stamper.
Also they have a solid history of axing them when they overstep (sometimes literally), and bringing their successors back on with further reduced function in government. These days they are basically just overpayed legacy mascots that have lucrative longstanding contracts…
Maybe America should follow suit with the rest of Europe, depose their Mad Kings and make them actual civil servants accountable to the people or just kooky sock puppets to entertain the masses with. It would be a nice change.
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He already is dipshit. American democracy is old as fuck compared to the rest of the world and an American president has undemocratic levels of power compared to most other democracies. Biden and every other President before him was also a King they just played by the expectations not to act like one.
Your system is crumbling old ass garbage half written in archaic obsolete law language. A Democracy beta test written by people who still saw the role of monarch as nessisary. The world moved on from your system a hundred years ago because they unlike you lot didn’t mythologize the writers of their documents as Gods of creation and you lot had your heads so far up your own asses you never noticed the joke you were becoming. It might have been cute once but now it’s just fucking sad.
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Why are you holding a turd?
You mean the King and/or Queen of England? The role that is entirely just a public display of symbolism and they have next to no real power?
Europe is indeed better than the US. Not because of monarchies, though.
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The point is that turning Trump into a king won’t make your country any better. It won’t really solve anything.
Besides that, most monarchies in Europe are just constitutional monarchies, which means that the monarch does not actually influence the politics.
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I remember how France dealt with some of their kings. Great kings. Some have even said the best kings.
Lol. The kings left in Europe have little power over their people, and even less over their governments. I doubt Trump wants to be a figurehead that everyone ignores when it comes to actually governing.
Not to mention over here in France, we got rid of our kings. And when they came back, we ended up getting rid of them again.
The country of Europe has a king. And you’re allowed a vote. Both insane comments, and only one is true.
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Yeah, it’s generally fine to mock terrible people doing awful things. Like you.
Not that you even care about the purported hypocrisy. You love hypocrisy, you swim in it. I hope you get everything you voted for and then wonder why your children won’t talk to you.
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US Constitution, Article I, Section IX, Clause XIII:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Trump doubled-down on wiping his golf shoes with the Constitution with this clause specifically.
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What is this dipshit rambling? I got banned from r/conservative within two minutes of posting a Trump tweet that criticized his own actions as President.
You wouldn’t look so stupid if conservative spaces actually allowed free speech, despite whining about it all the time.
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The commenter above is lying, unfortunately.
You would still look so stupid.
I am, in fact, not lying. This was back in 2017 when r/TrumpcriticizesTrump was at its peak and easy to post. r/conservative bans any dissent and I invite you to make an account and try that for yourself.
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Well, yeah, Conservatives are garbage domestic terrorists and criminals, by default.
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Well, just take you. You presumably voted for a criminal and terrorist helping him avoid prosecution. We call that Aiding and Abetting in this country. You are now a criminal.
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Apparently the mods couldn’t resist their need for displaying openly Nazi shit. I think I heard there was a stickied post or something that was was out of line? Anyway, justifiably they got the ban hammer, and apparently nobody has stepped up to try and claim the community.
So yeah, let’s keep the mockery flowing, I say! 👍
nobody has stepped up to try and claim the community.
Heh I posted in .world support requesting it the other day
More power to you! I suppose these things take time.
Yes lol, without mods users will gravitate to the most natural state for a comm
And apparently the most natural state for this comm are parody posts because those are the only posts here with positive upvotes. All the “serious” posts get downvoted to hell LMAO
The right can fuck off and die on Facebook and Twitter where they belong.
no mods right now since the community is moving to [email protected] so people are taking the opportunity to make fun of conservatives
edit proof
Cool kids make fun of loser fascists.
*glances at the mods
It can be whatever so long as it doesn’t violate the instance’s rules.
I love the irony that /c/conservative is being run on an anarchy philosophy.
It should be a comm for conservatives, and it was. Didn’t see many crazy takes there. Plenty I disagreed with, but nothing too batshit. My biggest complaint was articles from shit sources with shit, or no, facts.
What I did see were some posts that deserved discussion, but were downvoted to hell the moment they were birthed. Swear to god there were people monitoring the comm and automatically downvoting everything. Really winning hearts and minds there guys.*
At the least, we should be listening to what “the opposition” has to say instead our opinions on conservative thought being based on politicians and that one crazy aunt. That sort of thinking is how conservatives view liberals. They lock onto the craziest shit they see and say, “See! They’re all like that!”
Used to have a conservative friend, used to. He was railing about liberals one day using his wife’s friend as an example of typical liberal thought. First off, his wife was a fucking basket case, in no small part due to his treatment of her. She’d latch onto any woman who would befriend her. Second, the woman in question was the most toxic left-winger I’ve ever heard of IRL. That was his picture of liberals. Hell, I’d vote Trump if we were really like that!
* Best friend used to be a conservative Southern Baptist. Through years of arguing, in good faith, and kicking politics and religion around, he ended up a left-moderate atheist. I single-handedly changed his view on homosexuality being a choice. But please, do go one drowning out their voices, pushing them into toxic echo chambers. Hows that working out BTW?
You can’t change a conservative’s mind online, they’re not here for a discussion, they see themselves as some sort of missionary and they’re here to convert us, not be converted.
Your conversions worked, because you were able to do it persistently, offline, IRL.
I really wish I could find it again, but a while back a professional deprogrammer was in a Reddit thread describing how to deprogram conservative’s, their whole thing revolved around what to do IRL, so I asked how one would do it with online people like on Reddit or other forums
Basically, it’s not possible, they’re too closed to listen to anyone’s dissent online. Best we can do is shut them out and hope someone (like you) IRL is working on them.
Kurzgesagt made a video that I think is related to this. I found it rather enlightening:
Thanks I love a good Kurzgesagt vid!
Now I wonder, is the Fediverse actually the answer? Their conclusion about going back to fragmented forums to return to at least having a little separation makes sense, and the Fediverse is definitely in the right direction to breaking the stranglehold of the algorithms.
But is it separating enough?
My mindset is seeing things from how CEO and powerful politicians see everyone. People are a resource that can be exploited well we should get as many people as possible for the fediverse. I’d help conservatives get their own instance up so they can have their walled garden that way they can get away from corporations and add to fediverse culture.
You have to realize that lemmy is full of people that can’t stand the fact that people don’t disagree with them, and so they dehumanize them. Their minds are full of hatred
I assume you meant agree, because I’m less interested in people I agree with than the ones I disagree, but yeah a lot of them are willing to fight
We don’t have a shit ton of conservatives here. You described Twitter.