You know, if that all powerful god of theirs wants the Zionists to have their own land, he should just poof a land of milk and honey out in the middle of the ocean. He could move the temple too, if he wanted.
That way everyone could live in peace.
I mean, in fairness they should have been given Germany for obvious reasons but Europeans didn’t want the Jews there so they “let them” have Palestine.
put them all in Florida
Soon: “All those Cubans have to be displaced to Mexico!”
no there’s plenty of room
I actually didn’t realize that Israel is about the size of New Jersey… I always assumed it was bigger.
Everything outside at the United States is really small
if trump wants peace
He wants real estate.
Gaza is beachfront property.
Gaza-lago incoming.
Second time’s a charm? Is that what I’m reading?
Aside: WTF is that cover photo? Is Trump dancing? Is it supposed to look like he’s trying to throw a punch?
It’s the time when Trump danced in a befuddled reverie for twenty minutes at a rally instead of continuing his planned speech. Trump inner-circle members called his performance “electrifying”.
It’s a meme dance, nothing to worry about.
LOL yeah, like that toddler wants anything but money and attention.