By: Chris Standin President Trump has gone ahead with his long rumoured plans to put a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods sold in the United States (other than energy, which got 10%). He believes he can use brute economic force to make us bend the knee, and possibly even annex us. But he does […]
At the end of the day, Canada is many things. But above all else, we’re a bunch of grudge holding motherfuckers. You’ve taken your shot at us, so now we won’t rest until we get you back.
Do you know how impossible it would be to invade canada? It would be the most damaging war of attrition ever fought. Our population is so spread out, our land border is huge, and we could keep moving around high value targets/waging guerrilla style warfare basically endlessly. Its not like theres many chokepoints or strategic locations that could be very easily held onto. Just look at ukraine and imagine that but way worse. Plus having to defend your own border against people who look and speak just like you and could disappear into your population effortlessly. The resistance would destroy the US and probably end up with them turning on their own population.
Do you know how impossible it would be to invade canada? It would be the most damaging war of attrition ever fought. Our population is so spread out, our land border is huge, and we could keep moving around high value targets/waging guerrilla style warfare basically endlessly. Its not like theres many chokepoints or strategic locations that could be very easily held onto. Just look at ukraine and imagine that but way worse. Plus having to defend your own border against people who look and speak just like you and could disappear into your population effortlessly. The resistance would destroy the US and probably end up with them turning on their own population.