I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
I fucking love the flashbulb. Way underrated. Been my favorite artist for almost 20 years now.
Or better yet leave it on and at home, with some timed messages set to be sent out.
Do you have poop on your hands when you go to grab toilet paper? Because i think you’re doing it wrong.
Always speak using the terms SWIM, someone who isn’t me, to avoid legal culpability. Or post as if it were your goldfish or hamster describing their piracy activities. This is foolproof, i learned this secret spell in the ancient era.
Democrats arent the victim, they’re the enablers. The victims are the american people. When will you apologists realize that the dems fucked you over and sold you out.
Yeah i scrolled through the hundred or so pages of flowery nonsense youve posted in just the last day too, until my thimbs got tired. Flooding the space with low effort regurgitated AI slop is maybe not the meaningful contribution of “substance” that you think it is.
Lmao okay yeah, nice ideas chatGPT. Im sure that ‘prompt engineering’ is real tough work.
Edit* also i didnt downvote you, i don’t see that as productive and i dont disagree with the content of most of your comments. Youre not gonna convince me you weren’t using AI though.
This guy goes around posting annoyingly formatted AI summaries of everything, its actually getting pretty annoying.
How are any of those things better or worthy of support? Those are all still completely ghoulish reasons to support a genocide. Youre presumably worried about russian interference with trump, but youre cool with the Israelis blackmailing kamala? We’re just supposed to shrug that off and say “oh she didnt have any choice”?
I think they actually changed the account requirement. Now you can view posts without an account again, you just cant see any of the replies. I dont have an account and it loaded fine.
“Maybe the Democrats weren’t bought off by Israel, maybe they were being blackmailed. Wouldn’t that be better? Or wait, maybe they just really like having access to Israeli spyware and hackers, and consider that more important than not murdering women and children! This is a complex issue and there’s lots of possible reasons that you may not be privy to that the Dems could have sold their souls and the future of the american people for!”
Its for when you get too many cerebral traumas and cant get yourself out of bed to use the washroom any longer.
Its been a long time since ive used it but last.fm might be better for discovering obscure genre types than spotify. Spotify wants to generalize and distill their recommendations as much as possible because they want to appeal to a broad audience but iirc last.fm uses user tags to classify the music so its more likely something is tagged with the obscure search terms you’re looking for.
Why is the democratic party not at fault for “not making the most intelligent choice”. You act like harris was set in stone. And that her stance on israel had to be set in stone. Or any of the other terrible policy and campaign choices that were made by the dems. The threat of trump 2.0 was apparent and not even remotely a secret. If the democrats didnt see that or take it seriously its their fault.
Im not doubting what you’re saying, but it’d be nice if you backed it up with a source or two. The article you linked only talks about war crimes against Canadians as far as I can tell by skimming.
Hopefully .world will serve as a quarantine instance for all the cringe-ass former redditors who love strawmen and reductionism and lame as fuck sayings like “tankie triad” and “narwhal bacon”
The only really damning ones i see are the duplicate face and the three fingers, and i actually think both are not signs of AI. With the 3 fingers, it looks like his index finger might be perched on the other side of the flagpole out of view, like some people hold a pencil. With the duplicate face, that seems much more like a human error. A graphic artist filling in the background got lazy. The whole thing does have a kind of fultered overproduced look that reminds me of some AI stuff, but I don’t see anything conclusive, and a lot of the examples pointed out below are definitely baseless.
Do you know how impossible it would be to invade canada? It would be the most damaging war of attrition ever fought. Our population is so spread out, our land border is huge, and we could keep moving around high value targets/waging guerrilla style warfare basically endlessly. Its not like theres many chokepoints or strategic locations that could be very easily held onto. Just look at ukraine and imagine that but way worse. Plus having to defend your own border against people who look and speak just like you and could disappear into your population effortlessly. The resistance would destroy the US and probably end up with them turning on their own population.
I mean maybe like 5% of the advice on the internet is really good on amy given subject. If youre extremely discerning and lnow how to validate your findings and sources, then sure, the internet can be a great resource. The problem is when 95+% of the information is bullshit, thats not really validating when people say they ‘saw it on the internet’. If only 5% of an encyclopedia were true or accurate then you’d throw the whole thing out. Not to mention for a huge portion of the population, when they say ‘the internet’ they really mean facebook.
He released some glitch/acid jazz stuff under the name acidwolf thats pretty good too, but not as good imo. The range of his flashbulb stuff is just incredible though, and i dont think hes ever made a song i dont like