God I can’t wait to be kept up all night by the warm glow of the giant Coca-Cola ad in space shining down on me at night.
In other news I’m radicalized now.
I swear to God if I see space advertisements I will organize a militia so goddamn fast.
Aurora borealis: sponsored by Netflix
Don’t give them any ideas or I’ll hold you personally responsible. >:|
We won’t stop polluting until the world is unlivable. Gotta love humanity.
Jesus fuck, Wall-E was supposed to be a dystopia, not an inspiration.
If they put fucking ads in space I will do things I cannot say online
Can’t even escape to the great outdoors. I’ve never even considered this type of advertising as a possibility. Fuck that’s bleak.
Apparently these “astronauts” dont understand the world we are living in. They should just be happy we’re allowing them to visit the Tesla ® Moon.
Astronomers find space advertising
Mac Tonight is back, baby!
This is Barbara Streissan publicity when you had never thought about her for 50 years. We must all agree to a ban to stop China from working on it, while we “debate American freedom”