God I can’t wait to be kept up all night by the warm glow of the giant Coca-Cola ad in space shining down on me at night.
In other news I’m radicalized now.
I swear to God if I see space advertisements I will organize a militia so goddamn fast.
Aurora borealis: sponsored by Netflix
Don’t give them any ideas or I’ll hold you personally responsible. >:|
If they put fucking ads in space I will do things I cannot say online
Jesus fuck, Wall-E was supposed to be a dystopia, not an inspiration.
We won’t stop polluting until the world is unlivable. Gotta love humanity.
Can’t even escape to the great outdoors. I’ve never even considered this type of advertising as a possibility. Fuck that’s bleak.
Apparently these “astronauts” dont understand the world we are living in. They should just be happy we’re allowing them to visit the Tesla ® Moon.
Mac Tonight is back, baby!
Astronomers find space advertising
This is Barbara Streissan publicity when you had never thought about her for 50 years. We must all agree to a ban to stop China from working on it, while we “debate American freedom”