And that’s where you’d be wrong!
And that’s where you’d be wrong!
Are you me?
when you said “more into satanic folk and stoner/doom metal lately” I had the same thought lol
Froglord’s entire discography is fantastic and they show no signs of slowing down. I hope they manage to do a US tour at some point
Definitely familiar with Windhand but probably haven’t taken a deep enough dive on Dorthia’s solo work tbh
Snakemother is a fairly new band (~couple years young) out of SF/Oakland that has been putting in hard work as a local opener in the doom/heavy psych scene - including for Faetooth a couple times. Their self-titled album is just the right length to play live (just over a half hour long) and I’ve been told that new music is getting published soon :) Hope you enjoy!
Hopefully you are familiar with Amigo the Devil, if not please get on that right away
Edit to add some killer stoner/doom: Froglord, Hippie Death Cult, Snakemother, Year of the Cobra
That’s the part I like the most. I don’t want to work on any code that isn’t properly formatted, and at that point why bother with curly braces, etc?
Sounds like a lovely Tuesday afternoon
Turn that shit off
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.
Now Even Faster™ with no exceptions thanks to “AI”
Everyone hates those tough haircut customers, asking for their hair to be cut longer…
Your questions are reasonable, I’m just saying what it looks like.
Take the piss, leave the shit
A conch shell on a rope (maybe a ludicrous necklace?)
I thought memes were supposed to be funny.
Whoever told you that is your enemy
Lol. “Pre-emptive last resort” is one of the best oxymorons I’ve heard in a while
I don’t get the reference but it sure made me laugh anyway
You can accomplish a similar effect by swinging over the top bar of your nearest swingset
Chopsticks, my friend.
I’m late to this post, but now there has been another one, in Maryland
There’s a bar in SF called kilowatt that uses this guy as a logo, they should make a variation of this with “loud drinks will kill you” or something.
I almost spit out my beer at the end
They’re waiting for Jesus’ second coming