Samurai Pizza Cats. I fondly remember it because my grandma would have tapes of it in her house so whenever I visited grandma’s, chances are this show would be playing at some point. I loved watching the launch sequence for some reason and the script is even more zany than I remember LMAO
You’ve just unlocked a childhood memory. Thanks!
No problem! I’m happy there are other people here who remember this show! 😃
The theme song slaps so fucking hard. I immediately heard it when I read your post.
It really does!
“Will somebody please cue that bird? Samurai Pizza Cats! Oh yeah! Who do you call when you want some pepperoni? Samurai Pizza Cats!”
Holy anchovy, you too?
I expected myself to be the only answerer for that.
Me too! 😂 My favourite episode is the one with the dragon, it’s the most memorable one to me for some reason! Which is yours?
It’s so hard to choose. I think I’d choose the episode where Polly and Lucille became singers. I remember at one point reflecting fondly on how they got actual musical talent for the episode, which a TV show like that doesn’t have to do. Saban really gave the show their dedication.
I remember thinking this was top tier as a kid, and I recall nothing other than the theme song, which goes hard.
Batman The Animated Series, prolly
I was really fond of Gargoyles.
Xanatos was an incredibly well written villain now that I think about it again.
It’s about even in my heart between Ren and Stimpy and Rocko’s Modern Life.
i was gonna say ren and stimpy -_- lol
Darkwing Duck is probably the one I remember most fondly. It even had a Twin Peaks inspired episode, Twin Beaks, which I didn’t appreciate until I was older.
Original run of 97 X-Men.
Or ronin warriors/teknoman for introducing me to anime
In my case this would something from the '60s and '70s in the UK then - and I suppose that stop-motion in The Clangers or Bagpuss etc wouldn’t really count, so probably between the gentle, character-based storytelling of Ivor the Engine (and that is a cut-out animation - but I’d think still qualifies) and the surrealism, punning and energy of Roobarb (and Custard).
I’d probably go Roobarb as well, though still have a soft spot for Mr. Benn.
outing the ones mentioned, inuyasha as general, so many moments of that show just moulded me and gave me nightmares, courage the cowardly dog just seeded and also reinforced them
kagome to eustace would be a sick as hell sample
“Space Adventure Cobra” and “Captain Future.” I rarely see these cartoons from my time being mentioned, unlike the Smurfs or He-Man for instance.
Impossible to choose from the absolute bangers of the 80s and 90s.
Heathcliffe, Garfield and Friends, GI Joe, Transformers, Jem, Spider-Man, Tiny Toon Adventures, Tom n Jerry, etc.
Thundaar, the Barbarian. Absolutely wild sci-fi fantasy. Conan meets Adventure Time.
Close contenders are BTAS, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, He-Man, and TMNT.
wow. hits a lot of things I was thinking about. Its so hard to say because there is a big thing at different periods. I think if the transformers had come out earlier it might be the one but I was watching it when I was a bit to old to watch cartoons (which is still the case).
The Angry Beavers and Avatar The Last Airbender; even saw it when it premiered in Germany.
It’s a shame Nickelodeon switched to only producing iCarly-style sitcoms shortly afterwards… always hated those.
if it’s yours too do yourself a favour and NEVER revisit it
Reminds me of Thundercats. I had so much nostalgia for it until I watched it again.
It’s a tie between GI Joe and Spider-Man & his amazing friends.
Franklin. I’m, at least not in the presence of my family, willing to admit I absolutely love the fairly calm antics of that turtle and his friends and family.