I mean, I lived in Canada long enough to realize the RCMP just hate everyone. You see that chart the other day that listed how white every province was 20 years ago, and it was all above 95 percent, and now it’s like 50 percent except some of the Maritimes? I’m more than old enough to remember when the RCMP’s favourite target was poor whites (and treaty indians if they could find them)
I half agree.
This is Canada. Our (national) cops are actually trained.
That doesn’t mean they don’t still murder at will.
LOL. ok buddy. Trained in what exactly, being fucking assholes to everyone they meet?
Mostly just brown and black people 'cause they’re easier pickings.
I mean, I lived in Canada long enough to realize the RCMP just hate everyone. You see that chart the other day that listed how white every province was 20 years ago, and it was all above 95 percent, and now it’s like 50 percent except some of the Maritimes? I’m more than old enough to remember when the RCMP’s favourite target was poor whites (and treaty indians if they could find them)
I’m over 65 and have lived all over Canada. What I’ve seen is Black and Brown people get treated a LOT worse than white people are.
Yes, poor white people get treated like shit too, but they aren’t gunned down or jailed at the astronomical rate POCs are.
lie some more.
oh man, you two agree that the RCMP are assholes, why die on this hill
Apparently the splitting issue was if whites or blacks got fucked harder by the fed…
Very America of them!
Poor you, thinking that because you disagree with me that makes me a liar.
Too young to be wise I guess.
Too old to buy your bullshit (mostly about the living all over I meant, but the rest sounds specious too)