Certainly tongue in cheek, but I didn’t notice the downvotes.
I do reuse the grocery flyers for the odd broken glass or plate, and it’s great for arts and crafts (paper maché and painting). It does eventually make its way to the bin, but some of it gets there quicker than the rest.
From what I understand paper spam is a huge source of revenue for Canada Post. If it’s raw paper I don’t mind, good for starting the wood oven, but glossy paper and (literally single use) plastic bags of flyers should be banned.
Glad to hear it. My recycling box was feeling empty without all those flyers.
I know you’re just making a joke and getting downvoted for it, but you can call CP and ask them to put you on the no junk mail list. It works.
Certainly tongue in cheek, but I didn’t notice the downvotes.
I do reuse the grocery flyers for the odd broken glass or plate, and it’s great for arts and crafts (paper maché and painting). It does eventually make its way to the bin, but some of it gets there quicker than the rest.
From what I understand paper spam is a huge source of revenue for Canada Post. If it’s raw paper I don’t mind, good for starting the wood oven, but glossy paper and (literally single use) plastic bags of flyers should be banned.