• humanspiral
    3 months ago

    A hopeful/sustainable country can tolerate immigration. Higher birth rates requires affordability of having children, and immigration fills the lower ranks of the power/labour hierarchy while permitting more affordability to natives who might have better access to education.

    Societies that corruptly subjugate themselves to a hedgemon that inflicts war and climate destruction against people it teaches you to hate, but who also emigrate to your society, creates conflict that will deflect from the hate your hegemon wants your natives to internalize.

    When a society does not feel being on the verge of collapse, investing in education and immigration is worth it. Future benefits of growth and prosperity will result. Right, center, left governments everywhere are corruptly managing collapse. The only countries doing well economically are those who are not subjecting themselves to US hegemony, and pursuing independence. Most of these countries get labeled as fascist by the deeply subjugated and their hedgemon.

    The propaganda of hate is global, even if targeted domestically. The propaganda of hedgemonic subjugation is also global, but the collapsing corruption that is supported, helps hate win.

    When your society has chosen total subjugated marriage/alliance to the US, Trump comes along to tell you what a worthless undevoted parasite you are, and the likely response from your leaders will be to destroy your country further, and enable fascism to gain traction, even if the fascist wing can distract from the collapsing subjugation to continue the subjugation.