Bonus Admiral “Gus” Buenamigo
I never skip an opening theme. It’s good nostalgia seeds, planted for later
Ds9 has a 2 minute intro… Binge watching it makes it hard to not skip it every single time
Just circle around like we’re impressed with the pylons.
Keep circling…
Take the time to savour every moment - I promise It’s worth it
Easily my last favorite ST intro. No idea why, I just hate watching it.
A fine notion, but there’s hundreds of hours worth of Trek to explore.
Edit: Instead, I’ll listen to a playlist of all the themes while driving.
Ear Nose Throat theme?
You’re saying we need a Trek medical drama? I’m oddly ok with it.
Here, run this over your face for three minutes.
Go the other way.
I’d love to see his version of Harry Mudd.
Make him pull a reverse Cranston into comedic roles, I like it.
Underappreciated classic from his early days.
Bakersfeild PD
I can see him equally well in both roles, nice idea! I’d hope for a recurring/main cast Vulcan, personally.
Oh yes. I can see him as the hard-line / hard-logic XO of a Vulcan ship, akin to the “wej Duj” episode of LD.
he’d make a great andorian. or bolian. something blue.
The theme gets good in line season two, then they ruin it beyond redemption in season 4.
They should’ve kept making versions in different genres. A cappella. Ragtime. Polka. Death metal. Boy band-era pop with the bridge crew inexplicably doing a tightly choreographed dance routine.
I’m all for the theremin version!
¿por qué no los dos?
If we’re talking about the theme song, I like it for what it is (minus seasons 3-4; excepting the “Mirror Darkly” diversion). If it’s the casting choice, he could totally play a snarky Vulcan badmiral.
I was just talking about the theme song. Giancarlo Esposito should definitely be in Trek