In her own words…

I’ve experienced more body shaming in this last week than I have in my entire life.

But the truth is - it’s happened for me at every weight and size and it’s been relentless in my entire existence starting when I was on a playground.

What’s the point of body shaming? No really. What is it? To keep us feeling small, playing small? Too much, never enough?

I have a unique perspective. I’ve put my body through hell to be a size 0 and I was miserable, unhealthy, crumbling. But I would have done anything to escape the body shaming I received at a larger size. But guess what? It still happened. And guess what? Most of it came from within. So when they tell me how not enough I am, I remember what it felt like to live small to be small.

When I shared the video of my walk and I said in the caption that I knew it would receive negativity but it mattered more to me that we showed up for our ONE FREAKING LIFE, I meant it.

These negative commenters are not the ones that need us. They’re not our kids or our partners or our memories. They’re not US.

So I’m sharing with you some of the messages that are the kind we focus on, the ones we give our energy to.

Because while I have this one life to live, We also have only so much energy to give. And I believe we are collectively better when we choose to not just give kindness but receive it louder than the rest.

There will be many in this life that won’t like you. Don’t be one of them.

So cheers to us, exactly right now.

Photos by my friend and inspiration @huntermcgrady

  • bunniculamonroe
    9 months ago

    Does anyone else internally scream shut up when reading her shit? We have all experienced body shaming at some point in our lives, and yet manage to rise above the bullshit and not make our identities perpetual victims. Instead of telling woe is me stories every single day, take the shitty shaming experience and do something positive with it. Maybe start an organization to help teens with these same issues. Do something other than this please. It’s tiring and overplayed now. It is time to move on from it because she has the resources, connections, and so much free time to do something impactful. It’s all words and no action every single day. How long can this actually go on?

    • olivesandpoppies
      9 months ago

      Body shaming is awful. I have not seen anyone in here (of substance) saying anything negative about her actual body - just bad use of filters and photoshopping. Getting upset for calling that out would be like me upset with people mad that a sticker is covering their face on a magazine. The covering of the real image is frustrating for people who helped her build her platform by following, boosting, for years.

      I honestly feel like the general consensus with this group is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with her body! Or ANY body. She is a very pretty tall woman, who is average sized (I’d say smaller than average) and really doesn’t face the scrutiny that plus sized, disabled, transgender or non-traditionally pretty people face. None of us (at least that I Know of) are on public accounts with millions of followers walking on runways of companies that have historically represented everything wrong with patriarchal society (sexism, ageism, racism, ableism) thinking that they can change it overnight. There are so many more important things to focus on in the world than what people think of your body. You would think being called out for being inactive about LGBTQIA2S plus rights, inactive in calling out genocide, (and more) would be what upsets people, but they are worried about how the world perceived their physical appearance?

      There are horrible trolls out there, who will make comments for the sake of commenting. I’m not a fan on people here who will say negative things about her actual luxe, because that’s just a really crappy thing to do. But when people are saying hey, this is what you actually look like, and this is what you’re showing the world, and we’re calling you out on it, and you get mad when people call you out on it, that’s not trolling that’s people asking to actually be represented with an authentic representative. here is nothing wrong with people wearing bikinis, or being their authentic selves, and in fact that’s why I originally followed her. Turn comments off on Photos is probably one of the healthiest things people can do to prevent reading negative things.

      I’ll add that during PRIDE month, though, perhaps a better option would be to use the opportunity of feeling criticized for being traditionally pretty but not perfect ( by sh*tty ageist, sexist standards) to instead examine those facing constant body shaming : the trans community !

      I highly recommend that everyone go follow some transgender models accounts, and to celebrate Juneteenth coming up, go seek our Black creators and influencers, and real body positive accounts.

      Now it’s pretty awful to gaslight someone, and no one can get inside her head, so she is obviously feeling hurt that not every comment about her runway has been positive, and that not every review about the swimsuits have been positive. Nobody can know what’s going on inside her head, and given the amount of time that she spends online curating her account this is a large part of her focus, and I hope she takes the steps necessary to step back and stop reading comments or blocking comments but instead just turn comments off for a while, or using the platform DURING PRIDE to amplify non-stop some other things. Just a thought or two.

      • ThatOrangeBird
        9 months ago

        Sarah will never use her account to amplify the issues of any marginalized group in a real way. The best you can maybe expect is a quick story post, generic in nature because it’s been created for all the Shine losers. I also don’t think she has an opinion on anything important because she has ZERO interest in the world around her. It’s the Sarah show, 24/7.

    • Cheesecake
      9 months ago

      But starting a meaningful organisation to help youth in need over a very concerning issue would mean the attention wouldn’t be all on her this time. I don’t think she can handle that.

    • ThatOrangeBird
      9 months ago

      It’s all about her working out HER inner turmoil, on the backs and at the expense of her followers. Me, me, me, droning on and on like an annoying mosquito buzzing around your head. Another excuse to mention the runway walk? Hell yes, she’s gonna constantly look for that chance. She wants her followers to believe that HER good fortune, HER opportunities, HER privilege, is everyone’s. Jesus Christ, at the end of the day, does watching this dumb dumb do basically nothing for tons of cash while she finds the right words to make her followers believe she’s their pal really make them feel better about themselves?

      I’m gonna guess it makes most feel worse.

    • MoonChildM
      9 months ago

      I do that and it’s usually Why don’t you just shut the F*** up as my eyes are rolling so far back in my head I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to see straight again.

  • Blueeyes84
    9 months ago

    As she said it - most of it is internal, she is her own biggest hater.

    • MoonChildM
      9 months ago

      I was going to say the same thing! She’s the one who has body-shamed herself and it her filtering, editing and filling shows us it’s not a thing of the past. It’s ongoing and now it’s dangerous because she’s lying to thousands of women who believe she’s showing up on SM as her ‘authentic’ self.

  • BirdsaLiar
    9 months ago

    Always looking for compliments because she said it herself, it mostly came from herself. Attention wH0re.

  • Glowpop
    9 months ago

    Her editing is SO OBVIOUS! I’m so annoyed by this. I unfortunately used to be someone who would use apps to edit myself in pictures to appear smaller/thinner (I do not do this anymore!). It is so obvious this is what she has done. Her thighs and knees all small and bumpy, and the blurry line under her upper arm. Ugh end rant

  • Springflower16
    9 months ago

    I think she’s bringing this up so that she can gather more of an army behind her for the inevitable sh*tstorm that’s coming with Jeanette’s expose. She wants people to rally behind her and this is how she’s manipulating people into it. 😡 also the story she posted that ‘she’s fine’ and actually running 3 races this month- get the effff over your dang self. Gawd. She’s very arrogant and it’s gross.

      • FraudulentFruit1
        9 months ago

        So she has until the end of August but she’s going do her 3-5kms by the end of June 🤔. Also I guess what she’s saying here is all her stories she posts all day everyday are just bs lies.

          • Amb2023
            9 months ago

            Girl is not ok lol. She shares EVERYTHING . Oh my god lmao

          • FraudulentFruit1
            9 months ago

            She would drop her workout routine but she can’t because she most definitely does not exercise regularly. These 3-5k’s if she does them is the only thing she has done since RunDisney 😂 and she’s only doing it for the bloody medals. Like who the hell does she think she’s fooling?

        • MoonChildM
          9 months ago

          They must be all bs and lies because anyone who watches them believes they knows exactly how she lives her life. She shows us in real time. Could it all be scripted and she’s really a completely different person?

          ETA - on tne race timeline - She’s not going to finish in June! She is absolutely not an over-achiever

          • FraudulentFruit1
            9 months ago

            She could be specifically talking about exercising? Which she never shows herself doing. Has said she has not run since January. Shows herself planted on her couch literally binge watching all the time. I’m pretty sure that is accurate 😂

  • Cheesecake
    9 months ago

    I actually think this post is hilarious because just last week I made a comment about how she only ever focuses on the negative comments to push her narrative and ignores all the kind messages her loyal fans leave her. It’s very clear she is on Lemmy reading what we have to say.

  • ladybonerforjustice
    9 months ago

    She 100% thinks the comments and posts calling out her filtering are body shaming. No, the vast majority of us think she looks just fine but the filtering is so obnoxious and damaging.

    9 months ago

    The point of body shaming is to get you to cover up so we don’t have to see that mess.

    Just. Stop.