Is the Ariana Christie snark gone? Or is Reddit glitching? I can’t go into the page but I was able to last night!
Is the Ariana Christie snark gone? Or is Reddit glitching? I can’t go into the page but I was able to last night!
Can someone help me understand how she is only able to edit herself but not the whole photo? I don’t edit my stuff at all and I’ve never looked into it and I’m so lost on this
This is a totally different, very juvenile looking face filter??! 😑 it’s the first photo on her latest post, so she either likes to push limits and see if anyone will call her out, or she actually thinks she’s a shape shifter? I don’t understand at all. Holy jeez.
And somehow she has now reached 2.5 million and it upsets me so much because there’s people obsessed with her and she doesn’t use her page to amplify anything important. And that’s on top of how much she gaslights people by fully altering her videos and photos. 😩🤢
Edited to add: how sad that they buy fake followers. It’s so absurd. What kind of society do we live in that popularity is so important that people think it’s acceptable or normal to do that? :((
I had no idea how cheap it was to buy followers, and even positive comments!
I always wondered how influencers afforded buying followers. When you’re paying for nothing and being gifted everything, it frees up money for this. 🤢😑😑😑
Ya I am thankful for this group. It’s helping me not feel crazy. 😌
I hope so.🤞🏻 but in the meantime I feel judged and that makes me sad.
I don’t think people are processing that there’s differences or something. They’re blinded by this hugely arrogant character she’s created and people are eating it up because you know ‘body positivity and girl power ✌🏻😑😑😑🙄🙄🙄
I think she’s bringing this up so that she can gather more of an army behind her for the inevitable sh*tstorm that’s coming with Jeanette’s expose. She wants people to rally behind her and this is how she’s manipulating people into it. 😡 also the story she posted that ‘she’s fine’ and actually running 3 races this month- get the effff over your dang self. Gawd. She’s very arrogant and it’s gross.
This made me so annoyed- her daughter is clearly joyful and laughing her head off at the words ‘small world’. It’s a totally cute little kid thing! and Sarah turned it into that her daughter was laughing at her. And made herself look sad. Like REALLY?? Ughhhhhh 😑give your head a shake ffs.
Nm I can get in now. Weird!