• 2 Posts
Joined 21 days ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024

  • Cheesecaketothebirdspapaya_snarkGeneral TBP Snark
    21 hours ago

    I understand what that person was saying. I used to dabble in amateur photography stuff. Different lenses will change the size of your face in various ways. What it won’t do is add/remove fat, change the general shape of your face (it may widen/lengthen your face but it will still remain its general shape), nor will it create/remove a sudden double chin at the same angle.

    I’ve seen Alex Light post a reel of her face with different lenses like the link that person shared on yesterday’s post. The fact of the matter is, both those people in their videos clearly remained looking like themselves. TBP transforms into someone almost completely unrecognisable. This is not the trick of a camera lens. This is fraud.

  • Cheesecaketothebirdspapaya_snarkOnto LA!
    8 days ago

    Ugh!! I’m so glad we are talking about this. It’s a dire situation. To waste resources on something so profoundly pointless is disappointing. It’s a movie? She listened to a celebrity blubber about it? Was that really worthy of the wasted resources? Was there not enough shitfluencers in New York to attend this event? I think people need to become more aware of the impact celebrities have on the climate crisis and stop supporting their empire of bullshit. You can still enjoy the art when you separate it from the artist. You can still appreciate an artist and hold them accountable. Forcing us poor folks to drink out of paper straws so that the wealthy can continue to exploit our resources is fucked up.

  • Cheesecaketothebirdspapaya_snarkOnto LA!
    8 days ago

    Her secrets are SO BORING! Yes! Meeting celebrities is not exciting. Holding celebrities on a pedestal is infantile. What a waste of resources to ship this shitfluencer off to New York to watch a movie. This is getting absurd.