You’ll have a lower chance to accidentally download a virus and the web is less annoying.

uBlock Origin is the go-to. For Firefox, Firefox on Android and Chrome

Most of you probably already have an adblocker, but an astonishingly large amount of people don’t have one. Try it, you will never go without.

What else do you think is absolutely necessary to browse the web safely?

    3 years ago

    uBO is the best choice, I think, but it is convenient to add some complementary extensions, which also cover other aspects of the tracking that some pages use. Recommended are:

    Trace - All kind of fingerprinting, header, hyperlink auditions, etc.

    What campaign - Swap out Google Analytics parameters with invalid data

    Site Bleacher - Remove automatically cookies, local storages, IndexedDBs, service workers, cache storages, filesystems and webSQLs, except from the whitelisted ones

    All FOSS and the best I had tested

    At OS level I use Quad9 DNS and DNSCrypt and ProtonVPN

  • Bilb!
    3 years ago

    I know most people browsing this site know this, but you can also enable network-wide DNS-based adblocking with something like Pi Hole. This is especially useful for blocking ads and tracking on appliances and smart TVs.

    3 years ago

    My family has been blocking ad since with days of Windows 98 SE. Right now we have UBO, Https everywhere, privacy badger on Firefox from our linux desktops/laptops to our smartphones.

  • ​
    3 years ago

    DNS adblocking with AdGiardHome (open source on GitHub, better than Pi-Hole because it supports out of the box regex matching and DoH/DoT which means it will also encrypt your queries so your ISP doesn’t mess with them, mine used to do and I don’t trust them).

    Hosts adblocking on Android (AdAway) + pointing the Android system DNS resolver to a DoT server.

    Firefox (PC) with uBlock Origin, Local Dan and HTTPS mode only so it will stop and warn about any page trying to load over plain HTTP. DoH configured to point to my own adblocking server.

    Firefox (Android) with AdGuard extension (it blocks popups and invasive ads on mobile better than uBlock Origin and breaks less mobile websites), Decentraleyes (LocalCDN not available for mobile) and HTTPS Everywhere set to EASE mode to force HTTPS.

    All my browsers configured to erase all data (cache, cookies, etc) as soon as they are closed. It’s almost like private mode but it bypasses the annoying popups that some websites display when browsing in private mode. It also means I don’t risk keeping tracking cookies for a long time if some cookie manages to bypass my filters because I close my browser daily.

    This is not a 100% fool proof solution but works well enough and doesn’t break too many websites.