Today, I noticed that Google wasn’t loading on Mull (Firefox Fork). Switching useragent with the extension Chameleon makes the page load again.
maybe just dont use google
Yeah but it’s more complicated than that. Do you think the average user that for some reason uses Firefox will try to find out why his Google page isn’t working? Last year Google was fined €2.5b due to unfair competition. This is not the first time, Google probably makes a lot of people switch doing these things. The top post of Lemmy is about Google turning itself into spyware and this just shows just how thats accurate.
I honestly think more people are willing to switch than you think
I think the average Firefox user won’t be using anything Google (other than YouTube, but even then it’ll probably be through alternative frontends).
Google is literally the default firefox search engine.
I think the average Firefox user is smart enough to change the search engine… And disable Mozilla’s telemetry… And just not use stock Firefox…
That is wildly optimistic
Why would I disable Mozilla’s telemetry though?
Because it is a privacy issue. Turning it off won’t turn off all telemetry though. You need to get into the weeds or use librewolf.
Also make sure you turn off “experiments”, enable scrict mode, I stall ublock origin, and change the search engine.
How is it a privacy issue? Reading their information page on telemetry data, they don’t collect personal data except for temporary collection of the IP address, which gets deleted every 14 days. Do they collect more than they claim?
All of the people I convinced to make the switch would agree with you
While your statement is true, I install Firefox on any computer I support (family & friends) because I understand it better, can talk them through stuff on the phone and so I can install an ad blocker and not.have to deal with all of that. So now I need to explain to family and friends that Google is to blame, but they don’t care and ask me to install “the normal browser”. Ugh.
Also, I now have to deal with the Google-heads at work using this as an example of how chrome is the superior browser. Double ugh.
Completely, if op really needs to maybe use whoogle or startpage (there is some debate on if they are private or not since they were bought by system1, more info about it )
I use startpage and according to privacy guides its private
wouldnt really trust them tbh. There are lots of better alternatives
I don’t wanna use duckduck go and don’t trust random searx instances, so I feel stuck with startpage
Something something anti-trust?
It loads googles consent page for me. I got a blank page at first but I had to temporarily allow google connections in ublock origin to get it to load
Heh. I was skeptical this was true fired up mull and sure enough still displaying nothing.
It seems to be fixed now:
Much better results and faster
DDG is just a Bing frontend. Using SearXNG is mostly better since you can get results from multiple sources.
I think they use some yahoo data too and some of their own crawlers.
Results are not always the same in bing and DDG especia
Since a few months ago I get so many AI generated blog articles as top results with ddg (a lot with google as well, but less so)
I have a really hard time getting good local/region specific results for products, I mostly get US or UK results which are utterly useless to me since I’m not located either places. I’ve tried all sorts of shenanigans to limit the search to my area/country but it’s not really effective.
Nice feature
yep, it straight up doesn’t load, what a shitshow
And so it begins.
I noticed this today, too. I didnft know how long it’d been going on, since I haven’t tried to visit a Google page in a couple of weeks.
Thank goodness for SearX. This will also absolutely drive up the amount I visit Bing.
Yeah, that is sus…I just use !bang in duckduckgo though, and I get results even with Noscript and Ublock on…
!g some search
Works in Mull…but yeah shows blank even with extensions turned off. Meh, I haven’t been on Google in a long while now. Too many decent altermatives to care.
I was wondering why I was getting a blank screen earlier