Cloudflare DNS has DoH, but it’s Cloudflare so… ew. Is there one that is more privacy respecting and also has DNS over HTTPS?

    • @[email protected]
      33 years ago

      OpenNIC is an alternative root, so besides what @[email protected] said, you can configure any DNS resolver to serve both ICANN and OpenNIC roots. That’s because they don’t have conflicting top-level domains. If for example both claimed they were responsible for .lemmy then your resolver would have to choose who to consider responsible for it.

    • @[email protected]
      13 years ago

      OpenNIC Tier 2 servers (the common ones used) are slave servers of OpenNIC Tier 1 servers (the root servers of OpenNIC) for the OpenNIC zones and these Tier 2 and Tier 1 servers make direct requests to ICANN root servers on theirselves.