More BS for consumers who are now being treated even more like thieves when they shop

  • @Luci
    263 months ago

    My local zehrs setup those one-way gates that everyone just ignores. I’ve never stolen from them and yet I’m treated like a criminal.

    Whats criminal is $9 for ground beef.

    • @DerisionConsulting
      153 months ago

      Whats criminal is $9 for ground beef.

      With the amount of effort it takes to raise the cow, and the amount of environmental damage it does, beef only costing $9 per pound is almost criminal.

      • Avid Amoeba
        3 months ago

        While true, I think the point here is that Loblaw collects a high margin irrespective of the beef’s cost to make. But yes, the cost of meat has been historically absurdly low. Another example of the market not pricing in externalities.

      • @[email protected]
        -13 months ago

        People buying the premium cuts pay for the cow. Ground beef is the parts they can’t sell as steak or roast or stir fry

        It should be cheap

        Low fat ground beef should be a little more expensive as trimming the fat before grinding takes skilled time