
  • 32 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Interesting low-cost measure to not use a front-derailleur

    The S2 model aimed to give riders an uphill climbing gear but without introducing the complexities of a gear-shifting derailleur, tensioned cables, and handlebar shifters. Engineers at SRAM came up with a solution that’s hard to imagine for other bikes but not too hard to grasp. A freewheel in the back has two cogs, with a high gear for cruising and a low gear for climbing. If you pedal backward a half-rotation, the outer, higher gear engages or disengages, taking over the work from the lower gear. The cogs, chains, and chainrings on this bike are always moving, but only one gear is ever doing the work.

    Probably not of much use but I thought it was cool

  • When they write “college” in the image I think they mean university, not CEGEP. University is still a good ways from free, being $4k-$5k/yr. And that’s just for in province students, it’s more for non-Quebec but still Canadian students.

    In Germany (and maybe the other listed countries but I’m less informed on them), university is free as well. I think it also doesn’t depend which state you’re from.

  • I used the textbook as Oppenheim in my graduate DSP course, with the textbook by Proakis as a secondary reference. I don’t really love the Oppenheim book. I’m not super familiar with the Proakis DSP book as a result, but I think his textbooks on Communication Systems and Digital Communications are very well written. The Van Trees I find really well written and I really like (however the topic is also most interesting to me). All of them require you to study them though, I’m not sure what you mean by that.

  • Really depends what you are into. For general concepts, Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Discrete Signal Prcessing by Proakis are standard textbooks.

    If you’re interested in communication or radar systems, array signal processing is very closely linked with discrete signal processing but with more linear algebra and statistical concepts. Optimum Array Processing by Van Trees is a great textbook for this.

  • It’s totally obscene. I traveled to the USA recently for 5 days and my options were:

    i) Pay Telus $14/day * 5days = $70 (plus tax)

    ii) Buy a US 30GB 10-day esim for $11.27 taxes included.

    Plus in option i) I’d be using the data from my own data plan. Unless you really need to be able to use SMS and receive calls, it’s really a no brainer. Especially with how easy esims are to setup, I just had to switch a setting in my phone when I crossed the border. Crazy part is, if it was ``only" twice the price, I’d probably have just paid Telus.