aloha y’all!

i am looking for a good, solid, well written book on digital signal processing. i passed a two-semester course for my bachelors and am well acquainted with the basics and theory (i should, at least) and am now looking for a resource to look up specific stuff. i’ve looked into the topic and there is a plethora of books, many of them specific to some application(s), some field, some technology and/or language implementation and many of them not that well written (e.g. books consisting of single papers written by different authors).

ideal would be a technology-agnostic textbook including exercises that allows to dive into the various depths of the field at will.

what is your DSP “bible”, reference book, go-to resource? any and all pointers are welcome, i’ll definitifely look 'em up!

  • RickyWars1
    4 months ago

    I used the textbook as Oppenheim in my graduate DSP course, with the textbook by Proakis as a secondary reference. I don’t really love the Oppenheim book. I’m not super familiar with the Proakis DSP book as a result, but I think his textbooks on Communication Systems and Digital Communications are very well written. The Van Trees I find really well written and I really like (however the topic is also most interesting to me). All of them require you to study them though, I’m not sure what you mean by that.