• 407 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m so fucking confused. Trump usually has good insults that actually stick. But literally nothing is sticking. All of Trump’s insults vs Kamala though are so lame.

    I’m pretty happy about this though. Trump workshopping insults and shot gunning his incompetence and inability to actually pull Kamala down is great for everyone.

    “Lying Ted Cruz” worked fine. Except “Lying Kamala” is obviously just recycling an old insult and speaks more to Trump’s limited vocabulary rather than something good. Etc. etc. etc. I’m sure Trump will eventually find something and run with it, but… crazy to see him fail at workshopping a response when he’s literally had years to prepare an obvious insult for Kamala.

    Making fun of name pronunciation makes it sound like Trump is a 78 year old who can’t learn how to say a name. This is NOT the path Trump wants to go. Kamala isn’t even an exotic or difficult to say name.

  • My Grandma was running away from the Marcos regime in the Philippines as a political refugee. Many Chinese Americans’s parents were running away from Red China.

    There’s more than two stories in America.

    Btw: Asians are racist as fuck to each other. Just in slightly different ways. It’s hard to describe.

    Even if we settle on White America vs Black America specifically, Abraham Lincoln probably was a anti-slavery but pro-segregation kind of person. Racism itself has weird fractal-like split of nuance.

    Case in point: Malcom X believed in Back to Africa and was anti-integration. Malcom X believed in building a new country (kind of like Israel) except for African Americans. What side do you put Malcom X here?

  • I mean, when people point out that Joe Biden is a Neocon who supports Israel and USAs rightful dominant place in the world… Erm I agree with that and want to vote for him.

    I’m a Neocon. And proud of it and can defend a lot of my positions.

    What pisses me off about the new wave of conservatives is that it’s all reactionary. There is no guiding philosophy.

    With regards to neoconservatives: I know we get a bad rap since Bush. But events like Ukraine show the importance of us being the stalwart defenders and stepping up to challenges around the world.

    But thats the thing. I’ll tell you that while proudly wearing my colors as a Neocon. This ‘Libs of TikTok’ bullshit is just fucking awful politics. We can’t actually work or talk around our issues when people are pretending to be on the wrong sides of debates

    Politics shouldn’t be about ‘owning’ the other side. Politics should be about effectively communicating our beliefs to each other, especially our disagreements. And finding compromises where possible.

    Anyway, it’s Joever to some extent so I guess all in on Kamala. She’s still acceptable to my philosophy if only because Trump + JD Vance is such a bad choice. So y’all got my vote this year, at least temporarily.

  • Unlike you and your ilk, I’m willing to go outside the safe zone (fkn lol) and interact with people who have different opinions. Only cowards stay in their little bubbles chit talking day in and day out. And that’s a knock at both leftists and rightists.

    I’m a Republican. This area is outside my safe zone. But outrage politics affects us all and I judge people who engage in it harshly.

    But sure. Judge me harder daddy. I haven’t stated my opinion yet, I’m simply pointing out that you’re engaging in outrage politics and you probably shouldn’t be flexing on that.

  • I’ve accepted the racism and sexist thing as a real risk for Kamala. But I think most Democrats have accepted it too and are coalescing around her.

    Here we go people. Buckle up and prepare for a ton of racist and sexist attacks. I assume the Lawyer / Prosecutor experience for Harris will come in handy for this and she’ll come up with good Rhetoric / political plan for the situation.

    Arizona Senator Mark Kelly for VP could help insulate Kamala from these attacks. A lot of good VP picks actually could help.