
  • Remove categories, because they aren’t customizable, filterable, or multi-lingual (#1429, !176)
  • Various changes to allow federation with Pleroma:
    • Use name field for post titles instead of summary (!173)
    • Dont include community in comment to field (!174)
    • Documentation updates based on the changes above
  • Removed code for compatibility with Lemmy v0.8.9 and older (!178)
  • Some code refactoring (!172, !175)
  • Wrote a statement on Lemmy.ml politics (together with @dessalines)


  • Worked on replacing config-rs, with @canop’s deser-hjson and merge. config-rs, as well as about 3 dependent libraries, are abandoned and have been broken for a few months on newer versions of rust. !1433
  • This allows us to move up from rust 1.47.0 to use rust 1.50.0. !1452
  • Working on splitting the user_ table into a federated, called person, and a local_user table. This is a lot bigger effort than I expected.
  • Emoji picker now uses utf8 emojis, rather than short names. #184
  • Merged a few PRs from @gazconroy to convert our current API docs to an AsyncAPI html. This is close to being ready.
  • Changed subscribers to users on main page user count.
  • Upgraded lemmy-ui deps, including husky, and prettier, and typescript lints. (This might require clearing out git hooks for any front end devs)
  • Fixed an issue with markdown buttons not working on site and community sidebars. #182
  • Using a more recent version of cargo-chef for builds.
  • Serge Tarkovski
    13 years ago

    How it’s represented then on the Pleroma side, just as a post from a user or what? The community of the post is being skipped?